EPA Burn Wise Leveraging Partnerships National Tribal Forum on Air Quality Tulsa, OK May 24, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Leveraging Partnerships Burn Wise Basics Tools Available Case Studies –Passamaquoddy Tribe at Pleasant Point (ME) Marvin Kling, Sr. –Swinomish Wood Stove Changeout (WA) Tony Basabe, PhD. Potential Partners Additional Case Studies Qs and As U.S. Environmental Protection Agency2
Burn Wise Campaign Objectives To promote responsible wood- burning techniques and educate users on the connection between what they burn, how they burn, and the impacts on their health and the environment. Promote safety, savings, and energy efficiency. EPA is fuel neutral. If you choose to burn, Burn Wise. 3U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Why is Wood Smoke a Concern? Wood smoke can be harmful to health and the environment. A primary source of exposure to fine particle pollution (PM2.5) Contains other toxic (and some cancer-causing) compounds sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, benzene, formaldehyde and dioxins It reduces how far you can see and creates haze EPA currently regulates newly manufactured wood heaters (e.g. wood stoves) and coordinates voluntary programs for fireplaces and hydronic heaters Certain states have established wood heater regulations that go beyond the EPA wood heater regulations (e.g. Washington) 4U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Wood Smoke Can be Harmful to Your Health Triggers asthma attacks Causes watery eyes, stuffy noses, and chest tightness; Irritates the airways causing coughing or difficulty breathing; Decreases lung function; May lead to: –Chronic bronchitis; – Irregular heartbeat; – Nonfatal heart attacks; and – Premature death in people with heart or lung disease. 5U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Children under 18, elders, people with diabetes, heart disease, asthma or other lung diseases are the most vulnerable.
Benefits of Wood Stove Changeouts Reduces indoor and outdoor pollution by 70% Uses 1/3 less wood Burns 50% more efficiently Wood smoke reduction programs may require more than appliance changeouts to significantly reduce PM 2.5 Pellet stoves, fuel oil and gas appliances are cleaner burning than EPA-certified wood stoves and should be considered when the goal is PM 2.5 reduction 6U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Tools You Can Use 7U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Tribal Wood Smoke Brochure: Split, Stack, Cover and Store
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency8 Wood Moisture Meters Moisture content is the amount of water that is in the wood, but not part of wood molecules Moisture meters are inexpensive ways to measure water in wood The meters use metal prongs to send an electrical current through the wood and determine how much water is present
9U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Wood Shed Diagram and Item List
Social Media Subscribe to RSS content Join us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Discuss best practices on our state, tribal and local blog- 10U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Additional Materials 11U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Widgets – small graphics that can be placed on your own website. Every week there’s a new wood burning tip. Widgets Public Service Announcements (15, 30 and 60- second) – scripts that can be used by local media to promote proper wood burning. Public Service Announcements “Dirty Little Secrets” Brochures and Posters – provide valuable information about the benefits of changing out old wood stoves.BrochuresPosters Contact Leigh Herrington, or go online to
Wood Stove Changeout, Passamaquoddy Tribe at Pleasant Point Marvin Kling, Sr. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency12
Wood Stove Changeout and Health Study, Swinomish Indian Tribal Community Tony Basabe, PhD. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency13
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency14 HUD: Block Grants USDA: Rural Development Grant/Loans DOE: Weatherization HHS: Low-income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), CDC Tribal, CDC Asthma EPA: Pilot projects, Indoor Air, Community Grants, Research and Development, EcoAmbassador, Children’s Health, Supplemental Environmental Projects Health Departments American Lung Association Hearth Industry Discounts Possible state tax credits Possible Partnerships and Funding
Additional Case Studies Makah Tribe, WA Contact: Dana Sarff, Nez Perce Tribe, ID Contact: Johna Boulafentis, Oneida Nation, WI Contact: Jeff Mears, Tulalip Tribe, WA Contact: Gillian Mittelstaedt, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency15
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