Just as every essay has a clear beginning, it should have a clear ending. The last paragraph, also know as the conclusion, should make your essay sound finished.
The concluding paragraph typically has two parts: 1. The summary statement 2. The clincher
The summary statement is one or two sentences that restate the thesis in a fresh way to reinforce the essay's main idea.
The summary statement is an effective way to start your concluding paragraph because it helps to drive home the ideas you've expressed in your essay.
Look at your thesis statement again and rework it in a new way. › Avoid repeating key words and phrases from the thesis statement › The summary statement should not sound boring or repetitive. › Using a thesaurus is a good way to find new, interesting words.
Thesis Statement (in the introduction): Many Americans are buying the Toyota Corolla because of its competitive price, fuel economy, and high resale value. Summary Statement (in the conclusion): Reasonable pricing, low miles per gallon, and an attractive resale value have all contributed to the popularity of the Toyota Corolla in today's market.
Thesis Statement (in the introduction): San Francisco is a stimulating place to visit because of its magnificent location, its theaters and art galleries, and its many fine restaurants. Summary Statement (in the conclusion): For those who love beautiful surroundings, world class theater and art, and an exquisite meal, San Francisco is an ideal destination.
The clincher is a final thought which should create a lasting impression on the reader. It can be as short as one sentence, or as long as four to six sentences.
The clincher, also referred to as the closer, is your last opportunity to connect with the reader. One way to make the most of this moment is to return to the technique you used for your grabber.
In Lake Wobegone Days, humorist Garrison Keillor tells of a retired dentist in a little Minnesota town. He sits in a fishing boat much of theday. "Open wide," Dr. Nute says to the fish. "This may sting a little bit. Okay. Now bite down." Unfortunately, not all retired persons are so easily able to continue their once interesting professions in some form, as Dr. Nute has. Retirees have a high death rate within the first six months after retirement, apparently because of boredom, and psychologists suggest three ways to prevent it.
It’s good to know that by doing regular physical activity, eating a balanced diet, and sustaining significant relationships, retired people can stay healthy and enjoy a pleasant, meaningful retirement. Seniors don’t have to spend all their days fishing in a pond the way Dr. Nute did, but there are plenty of other engaging activities available to retirees.
Fully half the fatal automobile accidents in Maryland involve a drunk driver, according to the State Division of Motor Vehicles. We should support concerned citizens who are now demanding that three strict laws be passed to alleviate this problem.
Lowering the blood alcohol limit, revoking the licenses of first-time offenders, and forcing convicted drunk drivers to compensate their victims will lead us toward making those irresponsible people accountable for their actions. If we don’t get tough with drunk drivers soon, many more will be killed on our state’s highways.
H.L. Mencken defined "Puritanism" as "the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy." The clerks at the Department of Motor Vehicles must be Puritans. They seem to do their best to see that each person who comes in to get a license or registration, has to wind through a confusing maze of lines, must wait an eternity for help, and has to remain standing the entire time.
It is advisable to bring a book, a comfortable pair of shoes, and a lot of patience when visiting the DMV. Consider it a character-building experience to negotiate the labyrinth that is the Department of Motor Vehicles. After all, as the philosopher Johann von Schiller said, “Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly will acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.”
Mile upon mile of brown Pennsylvania hills unfolded as I drove in and out of the curves and over the crests of Interstate 70. The world's worst forest fire could not have caused more destruction—and all because of the gypsy moth. If this pest is to be stopped, it will only be through the strong action of the government and private landowners.
The state and federal governments, as well as private citizens, must join together to work toward eradicating this devastating insect. We must try to restore the beautiful green countryside that once greeted those who traveled the winding roads of Pennsylvania.