June 2-5, 2005, Varna, Bulgaria WELCOME TO VARNA
CLEAN BLACK SEA WORKING GROUP EC SSA Project INCO-CT June 2-5, 2005, Varna, Bulgaria
PROJECT PARTICIPANTS COORDINATOR & Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Sofia, Bulgaria Prof. DSc. Christo BalarewPARTICIPANTS & International Center on Water Research in the BSEC Region, Kiev, Ukraine Acad. DSc. Vladislav Goncharuk &National and Kapoditrian University of Athens, Department of Chemistry, Athens, Greece Assoc. Prof. Dr. Manos Dassenakis
ADVISORS: Prof. Dr.h.c. Helmut Kroiss Technische Universitāt Wien, Institut fűr Wassergűte und Abfallwirtschaft, Wien, Austria Prof. DSc. Ivan Sekoulov Technische Universitāt Hamburg, Harburg, Germany June 2-5, 2005, Varna, Bulgaria
ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS OF BLACK SEA &The Black Sea environment is one of the most sensitive in Europe. &Some of the major European rivers discharge into the Black Sea carrying significant pollution loads. &About one third of the land area of continental Europe drains into this semi-enclosed sea. &The increased pollution load leads to significant deterioration of the marine ecosystem and a sharp decline of fisheries resources. June 2-5, 2005, Varna, Bulgaria
June 2-5, 2005, Varna, Bulgaria PROJECT AIM To organise future European and regional research activities for: &mitigation of the Black Sea negative impacts; &sustainable environmental management of the Black Sea region.
June 2-5, 2005, Varna, Bulgaria PROJECT OBJECTIVES &to establish an international, interdisciplinary Clean Black Sea Working Group; to organise a Workshop of this group; &to create a long-term Clean Black Sea INTERNET PORTAL.
CLEAN BLACK SEA WORKING GROUP MEMBERS: 29 persons from Austria, Bulgaria, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine PARTNERS: 21 persons from Armenia,Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine June 2-5, 2005, Varna, Bulgaria
The Working Group focuses on information concerning: &discharge of pollution into the Black Sea from point and diffused sources; &hazardous groups of compounds and their ecotoxicological action; June 2-5, 2005, Varna, Bulgaria
&priority ecological/environmental problems of the Black Sea coastal area of different countries; &pollutant thresholds in the Black Sea environment; &biodiversity condition in the area; June 2-5, 2005, Varna, Bulgaria
running projects; running projects; projects finished in the last 5 years, projects finished in the last 5 years, treating the problems on pollution level and pollution sources; treating the problems on pollution level and pollution sources; ideas for new projects; ideas for new projects; looking for partners; looking for partners; international programmes for collaboration. international programmes for collaboration. June 2-5, 2005, Varna, Bulgaria
Workshop Clean Black Sea Working Group &exchange of recent information and experience; &discussions on measures for minimizing the pollution; &establishment of links for collaboration. June 2-5, 2005, Varna, Bulgaria
Workshop June 2-5, 2005, Varna, Bulgaria Participants: 33 persons Sessions: & EC SSA INCO-CT Project & Tour-de-table Presentations- 16 reports & Round Table International Collaboration - 9 reports & Discussion Round Talbe. June 2-5, 2005, Varna, Bulgaria
INTERNET PORTAL Clean Black Sea as a tool for: long-term INTERNET contacts and virtual network between the MEMBERS and PARTNERS of the WORKING GROUP; communication ofEuropean, International and Regional environmental organisations and specialists with authorities, scientists and decision makers; communication of European, International and Regional environmental organisations and specialists with authorities, scientists and decision makers; June 2-5, 2005, Varna, Bulgaria
exchange of information as well as discussions dealing with the pollution problems of Black Sea and rivers flowing into it; Partner-search information. exchange of information as well as discussions dealing with the pollution problems of Black Sea and rivers flowing into it; Partner-search information. access, study, application and exchange of information on European legislation, norms and standards for surface waters. access, study, application and exchange of information on European legislation, norms and standards for surface waters. June 2-5, 2005, Varna, Bulgaria
I wish you a pleasant and fruitful stay in Bulgaria! June 2-5, 2005, Varna, Bulgaria