Tierno Galván. Tres Cantos. Spain. Preprimary Education
Save energy in the city
We made a city with the help of all the parents
We built houses, made transports, trees…
Every pupil, with his/her parents, used their imagination and creativity
Some buildings were very high.
Some others were houses
Everything they brought, we kept it in the classrooms.
It was the moment to start
Little by little we put our small big town together with the help of the families.
First of all the outskirts
Then the city centre
A satellite orbited over our town,
a helicopter flew over,
and planes,
There were trains and ships too
But the inhabitants were wasting a lot of energy in the town, they were consuming too much.
One morning, when they woke up there were no lights: the blackout
The mayor called all the citizens
He explained how important is to use the sources of energy wisely.
The inhabitants of the town come to the following conclusions : Close the taps when we don’t need water. Have a shower, not a bath. Don’t waste water when we wash the dishes. Take care when we water the plants. Turn off the lights, the TV, the computers… when we leave the room. Close the windows and the door to keep the room warm. … IF WE DON’T WASTE WATER, LIGHTS AND HEATING OUR TOWN WILL BE CLEANER AND A MORE PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE IN.