The Sin of Division. Introduction  In this lesson, we focus on the issue of division.  The New Testament uses vivid words to describe this problem.


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Presentation transcript:

The Sin of Division

Introduction  In this lesson, we focus on the issue of division.  The New Testament uses vivid words to describe this problem.  Accordingly, let us consider the Biblical occurrences of the Greek noun schisma and the related verb schizō.

The Noun Schisma  Thomas defines σχίσμα [ schisma ] as from schizō [to cleave, split], meaning “a split, figuratively, division” [4978].  BDAG say it refers to “(1) the condition resulting from splitting or tearing, tear, crack; (2) the condition of being divided because of conflicting aims or objectives, division, dissension, schism figurative extension of 1.”

The Verb Schizō  Thomas defines σχίζω [ schizō ], derived from a primitive root [ schid ], as “to cleave, split” [4977].  BDAG say it means “(1) to divide by use of force, split, divide, separate, tear apart, tear off literally; (2) to tear apart a group through conflicting aims or objectives, figurative extension of 1.”

Physical Divisions  The Baptism of Jesus (Mark 1:9-11)  The Teaching of Jesus (Matt. 9:14-17)  The Death of Jesus (Matt. 27:50-53)

Physical Things Not Divided  The Seamless Tunic of Jesus (John 19:23-24)  The Strained Net of Fish (John 21:1-11 )

Spiritual Divisions  The Ministry of Jesus (John 7:40-53, esp. vs. 43; 9:13-34, esp. vs. 16; 10:7-21, esp. vs. 19)  The Preaching of Paul (Acts 14:1-7, esp. vs. 4; 23:1-10, esp. vs. 7)  The Church at Corinth (1 Cor. 1:10-13; 11:17-34, esp. vs ; 12:14-26, esp. vs. 25)

Conclusion  As the sweet Psalmist of Israel said, “How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity” (Psa. 133:1-3)!  Respecting the prayer of Jesus offered on the night of His betrayal, let us seek spiritual oneness with likeminded believers (John 17:20-21).  Such is possible only when we maintain the proper disposition and adhere to the proper doctrine (Eph. 4:1-6).