The Buckminster Fuller Comprehensive School, Seattle Washington “Fostering the development of humanism and agency in all people, helping students and communities become enduringly successful”
Welcome! The Buckminster Fuller Comprehensive School is committed to community development, personal growth, and meaningful, applied learning in an international, multicultural, and ecologically centered environment. Come take a tour with us!
Buckminster Fuller – The Man and The Vision Our curriculum is rooted in the humanistic and scientific philosophy and practice of R. Buckminster Fuller – thinker, innovator, and visionary of Earth’s and humanity’s true potential. Fuller’s concepts of Tensegrity, Synergetics, and global resource allocation are the foundation of an educational philosophy of agency, responsibility, and humanistic community development.
Our Students Our Community Diversity Engagement PassionFun Lifelong Learning
Our philosophy Humanistic Science Global Vision, Local Responsibility Community Participation and Development Our students engage real issues in their community and their world, learning and preparing to act as positive change agents and advocates of sustainability, justice, creativity and freedom.
Applied Learning Abroad Students and teachers construct straw bale homes during a cultural exchange to Peru as part of our Integrated Ecological Studies program.
Integrated Ecological Studies Image has been scaled down. See full-size image.See full-size image.
Food for thought, Food for change As part of our Human Development program, students work year round in our ecologically sound organic garden which provides food to local social service agencies.
Human Development Program Actual size. See image alone.See image alone. Image has been scaled down. See full-size image.See full-size image.
Agents for Change Students gather in front of a mural created together with community elders as part of our Creative Agency and Development program.
Creative Agency and Development Program Actual size. See image alone.See image alone.
Justin Negel – Grade 12 “When I first came here, it was hard for me to believe that we could do more than just take tests and listen to lectures. I have learned things of real value – global responsibility, community interconnectedness, and most importantly, how to think for myself.”
Dr. Julia Gordon “Teaching here has given me the opportunity to serve my students, my community, and myself. Every day brings something new, challenging, and unexpected.”
Marissa Freedman – Grade 10 “The internship I am doing this year at the community health center has given me more than practical life-skills. I have grown as a person through helping others and want to continue to do so.”
Thank You! Please Come Again. All humanity now has the option to become enduringly successful” -R. Buckminster Fuller