THE CHURCH GROWTH MOVEMENT Emphasis by Christian to Look Realistically at How We Do Missions
Church Growth Movement Donald McGarvran – Founder and father of the Church Growth Movement Donald McGarvran – Founder and father of the Church Growth Movement –Missionary to India for 30 years –Saw the lack of long-term results –Wrote his first book “The Bridges of God” he evaluated the current methods of missions and proposed new mission methods
Church Growth Movement Donald McGarvran – New way of thinking of doing missions & methods used Donald McGarvran – New way of thinking of doing missions & methods used –Importance of numerical growth –Focus on receptive groups –People movements –Science as a valid tool –Right methods will improve results
Church Growth Movement Significant Events Donald McGavran publishes "The Bridges of God" in 1955 Establishment of the Institute of Church Growth at Northwest Christian College in Publication of the Church Growth Bulletin in 1964 Relocation of the Institute of Church Growth to Fuller Theological Seminary in Establishment of the William Carey Library in 1969 for mass publication and circulation of church growth books.
Church Growth Movement Significant Events Elmer Towns publishes "The Ten Largest Sunday Schools and What Made Them Grow" in First use of scientific principles of social research to establish church growth principles. Publication of McGavran's book, "Understanding Church Growth" in Alan Tippett publishes Church Growth and the Word of God. Ralph Winter publishes The 25 Unbelievable Years:
Church Growth Movement Significant Events McGavran and C. Peter Wagner instituted the Fuller Evangelistic Association Department of Church Growth at Fuller in Creation of the Institute for American Church Growth by McGavran and Win Arn in Provides information and research on North American church growth Church growth movement grew in significantly during the 1970s and 80s.
Church Growth Movement Significant Events Donald McGavran died in C. Peter Wagner carried on the Department Church Growth at Fuller.
Church Growth Movement Significant People Donald McGavran Elmer Towns Alan Tippett Ralph Winter C. Peter Wagner Win Arn Flavil Yeakley (church of christ) Tim Metheny Center for Church Growth/C, P.O. Box , Houston, Texas John W. Ellas, Measuring Church Growth, A Research-Based Tool for Evaluating and Planning