Here Comes the Sun Environmental Tech III ARCH4225 Fall Prof. Tango
Earth / Sun Applet Understand the principles governing the relationship between the earth’s rotation, orbit and angle to the sun animations/01_EarthSun.html Arctic circle 66.5 degrees north latitude Tropic of Cancer = 23.5 degrees north Tropic of Capricorn = 23.5 degrees south Antarctic Circle = 66.5 degrees south latitude
Winter Solstice Dec. 21 (Northern Hemisphere) Summer Solstice June. 21 (Northern Hemisphere)
Changes in Latitude, Change in Altitude
Solar Control and Shading Devices/Olgyay, pg 38 Sun Path Diagram For 32 degrees north latitude
Heliodon Seven Rings for the months: June 21 - Summer Solstice July 21 / May 21 Aug. 21 / April 21 Sept. 21 / March 21- Equinox Oct. 21 / Feb. 21 Nov. 21 / Jan. 21 Dec Winter Solstice
Sun Chart and Shadow Casting straightedge scale protractor
Reading the Sun Path Diagram
Solar Time Solar time varies from clock time Reasons: 1.Daylight Savings Time Typically clocks are adjusted forward one hour near the start of spring (2nd Sunday in March/spring forward) and are adjusted backward in fall (1st Sunday in November/fall back) 2.Deviation in longitude 3.Earth’ s speed in it’s orbit around sun changes during the year Feb. 11 (+14 minutes) Nov. 1 (- 16 minutes) 33 degrees North Latitude
GMT-5 hours hours U S A World Time Zones direction of earth’s rotation Standard time meridians are 15 degrees apart (one hour) or 4 minutes per degree
Solar Control and Shading Devices / Olgyay & Olgyay Bioclimatic Considerations, page Shading Masks, page Sun Path Diagrams, page Overheated period charts, page Vocabulary of Shading Devices, page Architectural Examples (Case Studies), page \\Fac_web\web\architecture\classes\\Fac_web\web\architecture\classes ARCH 4225 Fall 2011 Prof. Tango
7 – 8 week typical time lag between summer solstice and peak heat period. This is because of the gradual warming of the earth over the summer period June 21 – Summer Solstice
Obstruction Masks Moore – Concepts and Practice of Architectural Daylighting page Olgyay - Solar Control and Shading Devices –pages (Part II) Obstruction Mask Concept –pages (Part III) Obstruction Mask Examples
Obstruction Mask
Olgyay page 45
smiles and pies
Horizontal Shading 100% shading Concepts and Practice of Architectural Daylighting / Fuller Moore page
Horizontal Shading 50% shading Concepts and Practice of Architectural Daylighting / Fuller Moore page
Shadow masks
Moore: Concepts and Practice of Architectural Daylighting – page
Daylight Factor Footcandles Model Testing
Custom model solar alignment to 4PM on December 21 using sun dial chart. Photometric data being recorded for graphic analysis by 4th year students Landon Ray, Sudha Somayajula and Kellen Spafford.
Tuesday Sept. 6, 2011 Tuesday Sept. 6. Daylighting / Shading Exercises, Test Review. Thursday Sept. 8. Day/Sim Demo. Tuesday Sept. 13 GlassBuild Field Trip Thursday Sept. 15 Test 1: Shading / Daylighting Tuesday Sept. 20 Daylighting Project Work Day Thursday Sept. 22 Daylighting Project Due
Shading Exercises
Test 1 Study Outline Environmental Tech III - Prof. Tango Thursday Sept :15 Solar Pattern Azimuth Altitude Tropic of Cancer/Capricorn Arctic Circle Tilt of earth Sunpath diagrams Solar time vs. actual time DST Longitude Orbit Solar year vs. thermal year Overheated period Underheated period Comfort Zone Creating a sunpath/temperature chart Shadow Masks Smiles and Pies Creating a shadow mask Daylighting Daylight Factor Footcandles