1, 3 & 4 School Model Options April 9, 2013 Restructuring of Keene Elementary Schools
Over the winter, the Board of Education decided to move toward a 4-school, wide grade span model, with Daniels housing the Preschool program Following this, we received a Board request to provide a more detailed evaluation of several variations of 1, 3 and 4-school models Today, we will be answering those questions 5/8/20152KES restructuring – Marinace Architects Where We Are Now
Provide cost analysis of creating 3 EQUALLY- sized K-5 schools, including Fuller & Symonds, with long-term expandability Provide breakout cost of Preschool in that option Provide cost to close Daniels, Franklin, OR Wheelock in the 4-school, wide grade span model Provide cost of building one large elementary school and closing all existing schools 5/8/20153KES restructuring – Marinace Architects School Board Questions
Option 1A: 1-School, 1,200 student option Options 3A & 3B: 3-School, wide grade span options Options 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D: 4-School, wide grade span options, each with a different combination of closed and expanded schools 5/8/20154KES restructuring – Marinace Architects Scope of This Presentation
Location of Keene Elementary Schools 5/8/20155KES restructuring – Marinace Architects
Construct a new 1,200 student, 198,000 square foot P-5 school at the Daniels site Existing Daniels school demolished Other 4 existing schools closed and sold 5/8/20156KES restructuring – Marinace Architects Option 1A
5/8/20157KES restructuring – Marinace Architects School Typical no. of sections per grade K Total sections / school Daniels P Franklin Fuller Symonds Wheelock Total Class distribution – Total Capacity: 1,188 Students Option 1A
5/8/20158KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 1A – Daniels Floor Plan
5/8/20159KES restructuring – Marinace Architects Option 1A – Site Plan
5/8/201510KES restructuring – Marinace Architects Option 1A – Summary
Significant operating cost savings, but a large capital investment is required New, state-of-the-art space for all students High performance building heated from wood chip plant, with low long-term maintenance costs Neighborhood schools replaced by one large school Maple Street site maxed out with 2,200 students on site, creates traffic and access issues, congestion Another site needed for possible long-term expansion 5/8/201511KES restructuring – Marinace Architects Option 1A – Pros & Cons
Fuller & Symonds expanded from 3-section to 4/3-section schools. Capacity of each rises from 324 to 426 students Daniels expanded from a 2-section to 3-section school. Capacity rises from 216 to 324 students Preschool moves to Daniels Franklin & Wheelock closed and sold Total district capacity of 1,188 students K-5 5/8/201512KES restructuring – Marinace Architects Option 3A
5/8/201513KES restructuring – Marinace Architects School Typical no. of sections per grade K Total sections / school Daniels P Franklin Fuller Symonds Wheelock Total Class distribution – Total Capacity: 1,188 Students Option 3A
5/8/201514KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 3A – Daniels Floor Plan
5/8/201515KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 3A – Daniels Site Plan
5/8/201516KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 3A – Fuller Floor Plan
5/8/201517KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 3A – Symonds Floor Plan
5/8/201518KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 3A – Summary
Significant staff operating cost savings, but a large capital investment is required Avoid CIP, maintenance and utility costs by closing two schools Offers long-term expansion potential Neighborhood school model diminished More pressure placed on larger school cores 5/8/201519KES restructuring – Marinace Architects Option 3A – Pros & Cons
Same as Option 3A except Preschool is eliminated from Daniels School Since Preschool is not accounted for elsewhere in this option, the difference in cost between Option 3A and Option 3B can be seen as a breakout cost for the preschool program 5/8/201520KES restructuring – Marinace Architects Option 3B
5/8/201521KES restructuring – Marinace Architects School Typical no. of sections per grade K Total sections / school Daniels P Franklin Fuller Symonds Wheelock Total Class distribution – Total Capacity: 1,188 Students Option 3B
5/8/201522KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 3B – Daniels Floor Plan
5/8/201523KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 3B – Summary
This is the 4-school, wide grade span option favored up to this point Fuller & Symonds remain 3-section, 324 student schools, and receive small additions Franklin expanded from a 2-section to 3-section school. Capacity rises from 216 to 324 students Preschool only at Daniels Wheelock remains a 2-section school Total district capacity of 1,188 students K-5 5/8/201524KES restructuring – Marinace Architects Option 4A
5/8/201525KES restructuring – Marinace Architects School Typical no. of sections per grade K Total sections / school Daniels Preschool Franklin Fuller Symonds Wheelock Total Class distribution – Total Capacity: 1,188 Students Option 4A
5/8/201526KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 4A – Daniels Floor Plan
5/8/201527KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 4A – Fuller Floor Plan
5/8/201528KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 4A – Symonds Floor Plan
5/8/201529KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 4A – Franklin Floor Plan
5/8/201530KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 4A – Wheelock Floor Plan
5/8/201531KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 4A – Summary
Similar to Option 4A, except Wheelock closed instead of Daniels Fuller & Symonds remain 3-section, 324 student schools, and receive small additions Franklin remains a 2-section, 216 student school Daniels expanded from a 2-section to a 3-section, 324 student school, and receives a large addition. Preschool moves from Wheelock to Daniels Total district capacity of 1,188 students K-5 5/8/201532KES restructuring – Marinace Architects Option 4B
5/8/201533KES restructuring – Marinace Architects School Typical no. of sections per grade K Total sections / school Daniels P Franklin Fuller Symonds Wheelock Total Class distribution – Total Capacity: 1,188 Students Option 4B
5/8/201534KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 4B – Daniels Floor Plan
5/8/201535KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 4B – Fuller Floor Plan
5/8/201536KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 4B – Symonds Floor Plan
5/8/201537KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 4B – Franklin Floor Plan
5/8/201538KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 4B – Summary
Similar to Option 4A, except Franklin closed instead of Daniels Fuller & Symonds remain 3-section, 324 student schools, and receive small additions Wheelock remains a 2-section, 216 student school Daniels expanded from a 2-section to a 3-section, 324 student school, and receives a large addition. Preschool moves from Wheelock to Daniels, and collaborative programs move from Franklin to Daniels Total district capacity of 1,188 students K-5 5/8/201539KES restructuring – Marinace Architects Option 4C
5/8/201540KES restructuring – Marinace Architects School Typical no. of sections per grade K Total sections / school Daniels P Franklin Fuller Symonds Wheelock Total Class distribution – Total Capacity: 1,188 Students Option 4C
5/8/201541KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 4C – Daniels Floor Plan
5/8/201542KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 4C – Fuller Floor Plan
5/8/201543KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 4C – Symonds Floor Plan
5/8/201544KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 4C – Wheelock Floor Plan
5/8/201545KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 4C – Summary
Similar to Option 4B, except Franklin is expanded to a 3-section school instead of Daniels Fuller & Symonds remain 3-section, 324 student schools, and receive small additions Wheelock Closed Preschool moves from Wheelock to Daniels, and Daniels received a medium-sized addition Total district capacity of 1,188 students K-5 5/8/201546KES restructuring – Marinace Architects Option 4D
5/8/201547KES restructuring – Marinace Architects School Typical no. of sections per grade K Total sections / school Daniels P Franklin Fuller Symonds Wheelock Total Class distribution – Total Capacity: 1,188 Students Option 4D
5/8/201548KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 4D – Daniels Floor Plan
5/8/201549KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 4D – Fuller Floor Plan
5/8/201550KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 4D – Symonds Floor Plan
5/8/201551KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 4D – Franklin Floor Plan
5/8/201552KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 4D – Summary
Analysis of staffing requirements for each option. Increases in staffing efficiencies are the most important factor in overall savings CIP Tabulation for each option Budget for each option broken down by Additions, Renovation, CIP and Operational costs 5/8/201553KES restructuring – Marinace Architects Cost Analysis
5/8/201554KES restructuring – Marinace Architects 1-School Staffing Tabulation
5/8/201555KES restructuring – Marinace Architects 3-School Staffing Tabulation (3A Shown)
5/8/201556KES restructuring – Marinace Architects 4-School Staffing Tabulation (4A Shown)
5/8/201557KES restructuring – Marinace Architects 5-School Staffing Tabulation (Existing)
Include three categories: 1. (Shown in red) Items required by building code + building heat conversion from steam to hot water included in the project budgets 2. (Shown in blue) Long-term CIP items that will need to be done in the next years to maintain the buildings, not included in the project budgets 3. (Shown in black) Items the school district will complete outside of the building program not included in the project budgets 5/8/201558KES restructuring – Marinace Architects CIP Budgets
5/8/201559KES restructuring – Marinace Architects CIP - Daniels
5/8/201560KES restructuring – Marinace Architects CIP - Fuller
5/8/201561KES restructuring – Marinace Architects CIP - Wheelock
5/8/201562KES restructuring – Marinace Architects CIP - Franklin
5/8/201563KES restructuring – Marinace Architects Overall Project Budgets
CIP heat conversion is included, at a cost of $3,386,000 to the budget of 3 and 4-school options, and reduces the annual savings by up to $267,000 1 and 3-school options assume that unused buildings will be sold at a price of $750,000 each Staffing figures and salaries have been updated. Preschool staffing has increased in all new configurations by $121,000 (1 teacher, 1 para) 5/8/201564KES restructuring – Marinace Architects Budgets Notes
5/8/201565KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 1A - Budget
5/8/201566KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 3A - Budget
5/8/201567KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 3B - Budget
5/8/201568KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 4A - Budget
5/8/201569KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 4B - Budget
5/8/201570KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 4C - Budget
5/8/201571KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Option 4D - Budget
5/8/201572KES Restructuring - Marinace Architects Budget Summary
For a copy of this presentation visit 5/8/201573KES restructuring – Marinace Architects