From Contract Family to Shared Living


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Presentation transcript:

From Contract Family to Shared Living National Home Sharing Network AGM November 31st 2013

Home Sharing Scheme Galway The Home Sharing scheme has been operating in Galway for almost 30 years In 2007 it was expanded to a Contract Family Scheme Now in 2013 the scheme is being expanded further to include Shared Living. Michael Flood From Contract Family to Shared Living

Contract Family Scheme Started in 2007, initial funding provided by POBAL. By end of POBAL funding, 8 Contract Families recruited providing 38 guests with a total of 363 sessions per year. Funding continued by BOCG and Ability West and now have 15 Contract Families providing 58 guests a total of 2453 sessions per year. Currently 6 additional families interested in joining scheme From Contract Family to Shared Living

From Contract Family to Shared Living In 2012 The Brothers of Charity Services Galway sought funding from GENIO for a 'Shared Living Scheme‘ 5 individuals with a severe intellectual disability will be facilitated to move from living in the congregated setting to an individualised living arrangement of their choice with a host family/individual in their local community. From Contract Family to Shared Living

From Contract Family to Shared Living Definition Shared Living is defined as an arrangement in which an individual, couple or family in the community share their life’s experiences with a person with a disability on a full-time basis. The term ‘Shared Living’ invites people to have an experience rather than to work at a job or provide a service. Michael Flood From Contract Family to Shared Living

From Contract Family to Shared Living Purpose Is to enrich the lives of people with disabilities by matching those who choose this lifestyle with a family or an individual who chooses to open their homes and their hearts. The service aims to build individualised and more inclusive community based residential options for people with intellectual disabilities. It is being set up to be able to cater for people with a range of disabilities from mild to severe with additional needs. The service aims to be another option for people to consider. Michael Flood From Contract Family to Shared Living

Benefits of Shared Living to the Individual: Individualised service, person is matched to a family that will best meet their needs and interests. Living in a family environment, Part of wider community, engaging with wider spectrum of people than they would have done previously, while living in a residential setting. Person gets to lead a fuller, more integrated lifestyle. From Contract Family to Shared Living

Benefits of Shared Living to the Shared Living Family: Sense of well being in offering a supportive, caring, family environment to someone that requires that support Benefits to all family members in having a fuller life experience living with a person with a disability. Satisfaction of helping people develop skills and levels of independence that they may not had opportunity to develop in their previous environment. Allows main carer to work from home From Contract Family to Shared Living

From Contract Family to Shared Living Challenges: Helping people to consider Shared Living as an option Recruit appropriate Host Families. Ensure appropriate support, respite and back up placement plan. Identify appropriate match of Host family and individual who requires shared living home. Respond to any fears and concerns of staff and of Natural families. Continue recruiting Host Families for Home Sharing and Contract family roles. From Contract Family to Shared Living

First Steps to Shared Living International and national research. Develop specific Shared Living Training. Advertise and explain scheme Recruit and assess potential Host families. From Contract Family to Shared Living

Shared Living Schemes- International Experience There are Shared Living projects in the UK, Canada and in the US. Common Themes: People who use Shared Lives schemes have often lived in many different institutions, Services have seen evidence that the individual attention of a shared living home can help people obtain better outcomes. Michael Flood From Contract Family to Shared Living

Common themes Internationally: continued The key is the match and everyone is different, The person and their family are involved in the planning process and if able make the final decision in terms of where they want to live and if they want to try a Shared Living setting. Michael Flood From Contract Family to Shared Living

Common themes Internationally: continued If shared living is rushed it can fail, key is to proceed at pace of the individual. Case Managers are required to visit the home at least once a month and they have to maintain the standards of the program.  They review the individual’s progress, community connectedness, family participation etc.   Respite is an average of 3 days per month, may be more depending on the needs of the individual. Michael Flood From Contract Family to Shared Living

Common themes Internationally: continued Ideally the service requires an emergency respite/back-up option. This can be facilitated through another family or a group home.  Authorities tend not to want to double fund so in reality if crisis occurs and a placement breaks down the other shared living placements do what they can. To avoid problems services ask that their families do not give them any surprises in regard to ending placements and if issues are arising that could lead to placement breakdown that they are flagged early. Natural Families tend to feel an institution is the safe place for their family member as there are lots of staff so families can be opposed or very cautious initially to shared living. Michael Flood From Contract Family to Shared Living

Common themes Internationally: continued key points – a thorough approval and training process, matching, appropriate transition period supports to Shared Living Families, regular home visits, respite etc. supervision, There is a great possibility of longevity if the match is good and the home sharer is supported. Advice from other providers re Shared Living is “We know it works”!! Michael Flood From Contract Family to Shared Living

Host Family Responsibility: The decision to Share their lives with a person with a disability is life-changing and deserves the involvement of the entire family before such a commitment is made. Support every family member with their position and role within the family structure changes with the placement of the new person. Accept the person as a real and equal part of the family. provide positive life experiences in a safe, nurturing and stable family environment, free from abuse and/or neglect. From Contract Family to Shared Living

Host Family Responsibility: Continued Accept the heritage, culture and language of the person and the natural family. Acknowledge the importance of the natural family and promote and support a positive, non-judgmental relationship between the person and their natural family. Save mementos and photographs for the person. Help the person integrate into the local community life. As necessary, liaise with support services From Contract Family to Shared Living

From Contract Family to Shared Living Supports Available: Regular phone calls and home visits. Continued involvement of current support services, if necessary. Training as required Host Family Support Meetings every 3 months. Involvement with service provision – Person Centred Planning etc Regular reviews From Contract Family to Shared Living

Training and Assessment: 2 days for Families already approved for Home Sharing. Based on learning from current Home sharing, Contract Family training and advice gained from International services. Topics covered included understanding how to be person centred, working on your own, partnership, commitment, stress management, good practice, integration into the community, talks by experienced Host families. Assessment based on Fostering Model and availing of Home Sharing and/or Contract Family assessments previously conducted. From Contract Family to Shared Living

Financial Arrangements: Host Families will be paid expenses according to the level of disability of the person: ` €40 per night - Level 1 (moderate level of disability) €55 per night - Level 2 (severe to profound disability) €85 per night - Level 3 (severe to profound disability with additional needs) In addition Host Families will be paid a retainer for the purpose of having a room available throughout the year. There is a two tiered retainer a Host Families can except, again depending on the level of disability of the person. €5000 per annum for person regarded at Level 1 €10000 per annum for persons regarded at Level 2 & 3 €400.00 a month receipt based expenses to cover additional cost such as physiotherapy etc. From Contract Family to Shared Living

From Contract Family to Shared Living Tax Relief: The retainer is not taxable under the Revenue Commissioners Rent-a-Room Scheme If you rent out a room in your home to private tenants, the rental income you earn will be exempt from income tax, provided this income does not exceed €10,000 in a tax year. From Contract Family to Shared Living

From Contract Family to Shared Living Progress so far: Specific Shared Living Training took place in May, attended by families previously trained as Home Sharing families. Following on from this training, assessments were completed on families that are interested in the scheme. The assessment entailed home visits, background checks which would include Garda and HSE, 3 character references and a medical. These Assessments were presented to Home Sharing Panel for approval. From Contract Family to Shared Living

From Contract Family to Shared Living The Match: Discussions are now beginning with people who may be suited to the scheme, their families and key staff to get their views. People who were identified as requiring a Shared Living arrangement are then matched with the appropriate assessed Host Families. Following a suitable match being agreed, introductions will take place. If the person is currently receiving a Home Sharing service from a family approved for Shared Living then their breaks slowly increase. From international experiences the time it takes a person to settle into their new home is variable, very individualised Process will be reviewed regularly From Contract Family to Shared Living

From Contract Family to Shared Living Angharad Langford From Contract Family to Shared Living