Evaluating Teaching and Learning Linda Carey Centre for Educational Development Queen’s University Belfast 1
Learning outcomes for the session By the end of the session, you will have: l Considered different methods of evaluating teaching l Drafted a short evaluation questionnaire l Considered approaches for peer observation of teaching 2
3 Evaluation: definitions l A process of judging how effective you are in achieving curriculum aims and learning outcomes l Aims to improve the quality of student learning, through modifications to teaching methods, course design and student assessment O’Neil and Pennington (1992)
4 Why evaluate? Course and module design: Improving courses and teaching Monitoring innovation in teaching Diagnosing strengths and weaknesses in course /module design Exploring relationships between module elements (e.g. assessment and learning outcomes)
5 Student learning Engaging students more actively in teaching and learning Investigating student difficulties Checking how far students’ needs and wants have been met Checking students’ expectations of teaching and their perception of our intentions for learning
Staff and Institutional issues Supporting staff in bids for promotion, tenure and job applications Providing evidence as to whether a module or course was “good value” (for time, for money?) Providing evidence for validating or quality assurance bodies Professional satisfaction 6
Triangulation of evaluation data 1.Sampling views of different participants: students, self, peer, external accreditors 2.Using a variety of methods for collecting data 3.Operating over a period of time, using l formative evaluation: developmental feedback, during module l summative evaluation: judgemental, at end of module 7
Methods of evaluation of teaching based on students’ views Students’ body language and informal comments Open-ended discussion, written comments Informal evaluation sheets – e.g. circle the word, “stop, start, continue” Structured student comments – e.g. Something I learned today was.... Structured interviews with students; focus groups 8
Minute papers, e.g. What was main point of the lecture today? What was unclear? What would you like to know more about? Questionnaires -- formal or informal Purpose? Key questions? 9
Task 1: Working in pairs, draft a short evaluation questionnaire for your teaching 10
11 Evaluating through self and peer reflection l Questions for self reflection l Diaries or logbooks l Self evaluation checklists and questionnaires l Audio/visual methods: self, pairs or groups, l Self-reflection using audio or video tape l Teaching Process Recall (TPR): reviewing a tape with colleagues; interactive questioning to prompt reflection l Peer observation of teaching (POT) l Peer review of teaching (PRT): fuller picture
12 Three models of peer observation (Gosling, 2002) Evaluation Model: Senior staff observe more junior staff (judgemental) Developmental model: “Expert teachers” observe others (some judgemental elements) Peer review model: Discussion and self reflection
13 Why peer observation? l to share expertise and good practice among colleagues l to provide individual and confidential feedback on teaching and learning l to support staff in improving/enhancing their teaching and their students’ learning l to provide one aspect of a quality assurance system, particularly in the context of quality review
14 Some general guidelines for peer observation l a collegial system agreed by consensus rather than one imposed by line management l a developmental rather than a judgemental system l no implication of a “deficit model” l a confidential system l choice of observer negotiated not imposed
l Training and prior discussion for observers and observed l On-going process, not a “once off” event – once year or less frequently? l Not an unannounced observation l Can incorporate different modes of teaching and learning, not just lecturing l Usually involves a feedback proforma 15
16 Three stage process 1.Pre-observation meeting: l shared understanding of context, learning outcomes and methods l proforma or focus agreed 2.Observation of the session: l Position of the observer l Observer remains an observer (usually) l Is there an “observer effect”? l Observer remains for the whole session (if possible)
17 3. Feedback meeting: l based on dialogue and self reflection rather than advice giving l developmental rather than judgmental l constructive solutions to agreed difficulties l confidential allowing for varied approaches and personal style
18 Some ground rules for giving feedback l Timely l Specific and focused l Appropriate tone sensitive, genuine and non patronising l Allowing person observed to speak first l Constructive and helpful l Balancing positive and negative, with positive first and in closing