“The Whale’s Song“ Morris McCormick EED 602 Tae Chang 5/8/2015
By the end of this lesson you will be able to: 2.0 Reading Comprehension 2.5 Restate facts and details in the text to clarify and organize ideas. 2.6 Recognize cause-and-effect relationships in a text. 1.0 Listening and Speaking Strategies 1.2 Ask for clarification and explanation of stories and ideas. 1.3 Paraphrase information that has been shared orally by others. 1. Summarize the main ideas in “The Whale’s Song.” 2. Discover ways people and animals can be kind to each other.
Review Genre:Realistic Fiction Theme:Kindness Strategy:Reciprocal Teaching Question & SummarizeReciprocal Teaching Personalize:Put it in your own words
Realistic Fiction Realistic fiction is simply stated as real people with real problems solved in a realistic manner in a real world setting. Realistic stories can and often do have humor, a sense of adventure, perhaps even danger.
Kindness Definition: [n] a kind act [n] tendency to be kind and forgiving [n] the quality of being warm-hearted and considerate and humane and sympathetic
Personalize “Use my own words!” “That means I have to think about it before I raise my hand.”
On the Surface - Observations “The Grandmother told Lilly exciting Stories.” “The Grandmother was nice to the whales.” “The Grandfather thought he was being nice by protecting Lilly.” “Lilly learned to be nice to whales.” “The whales were nice to everyone.”
Under the Surface - Observations “One of the greatest animals in the world is one we don’t often see” “Lilly believes her grandmother is friends with the whales.” “Whales are like little girls, they love pretty things.” “Grandpa is jealous because the whales don’t like him.” “If we believe our dreams they will come true.” “One of the greatest animals in the world is one we don’t often see” “Lilly believes her grandmother is friends with the whales.” “Whales are like little girls, they love pretty things.” “Grandpa is jealous because the whales don’t like him.” “If we believe our dreams they will come true.”
Let’s put it all together. On the surface observations + Under the surface observations ___________________________________________ = The Full Meaning
What can we do to be kind to the animals around us?
What will you do?
Let’s see what one little boy did to help!
Bibliography Photos island.de/CPT%20Cape%20Town%20Cape%20of%20Good%20Hope %20Nature%20Reserve%20ocean%20wave%20b.jpg
Bibliography Photos %20- %2007_27,%2028/03%20Killing%20whales%20in%20Sea%20World %20(we%20also%20went%20to%20Mexico%20today%20for%20abou t%20two%20hours).jpg
Bibliography Photos earch 93/posters/free_willy.jpg&imgrefurl= ree_willy.html&h=419&w=295&sz=41&tbnid=WnnMxisboAoJ:&tbnh =120&tbnw=85&start=4&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dfree%2Bwilly%26hl %3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DG ice/osbornefest/images/bellhowell7.jpg&imgrefurl= a.edu/service/osbornefest/Osborne.ClassicFilmFestival.asp&h=267&w= 425&sz=39&tbnid=Th-cql- PPCkJ:&tbnh=76&tbnw=120&start=10&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmovie %2Bcamera%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN
Bibliography Photos pg
Bibliography Movies v g
Bibliography Music organizations/soul/repertoire_music_will_you_be_there.mp3
“The Whale’s Song“