Ticket out the Door Questions: Influences of Margret Fuller? Effects on society? Who started Transcend.? Length of era? Where it was started? Why was nature important? After-life? Religion? Impact of Industrial Revolution? Fiction ns. Nonfiction? Lasting effects today? “Over-soul”? Major authors? Why so few?
Ticket Out the Door --BIG question: What separates Romanticism from Transcendentalism? Are they different? 1. Romanticism educes strong emotions and exemplifies significant events. It is about a strong motivational force that focuses on patriotism, loyalty, and allegiance. Transcendentalism is the power of knowledge to transcend intellectual growth and spirituality. It also highlights the power of divinity, nature, and individualism.forceknowledge 2. Romanticism exemplifies the importance of emotions and freedom over intellectual growth. They believe that everyone should follow what they’re feeling. Transcendentalism draws inspiration from the beyond or external to the human perspective even beyond reasoning and normal traditions. 3. Romanticism does not heavily emphasize the power of God as the center of the universe; however, transcendentalism strongly believes in God, divination, and the truth of miracles. 4. As a literary movement, romanticism initiates a positive voice on their works. Transcendentalism literature is very sensible and creates an exaggeration on good vs. evil. -- uniquely American. Transcendentalism is a manifestation of Romantic movement (flourished ca. 1830) and it is a form of idealism: nature as means to higher spiritual truth and self-renewal.voice
Directions: 1. Review the notes on Transcendentalism provided in the PowerPoint labeled "Transcendentalism Notes." As you go, add the information in red to your own set of ongoing notes for the unit. Remember that we have a unit test next week and you will not be provided with a "study guide." Your notes are your guide, so be sure you have a complete and thorough set. 2. Open the PowerPoint labeled "Transcendentalism PowerPoint." Follow the instructions on each slide to complete the activity. The reading excerpts are provided for you as PDFs below this assignment, and you have access to the Internet to find the other required information. The framework of the PowerPoint is blank; you must edit it to suit the content you provide. Please do not put text over pictures unless it is VERY easy to read.
Central Figures of Transcendentalism Ralph Waldo Emerson Henry David Thoreau Margaret Fuller
Ralph Waldo Emerson This page should contain a picture of Emerson, 3-4 interesting facts about Emerson’s life, and a well-known quotation from Emerson.
Henry David Thoreau This slide should contain a picture of Thoreau, 3- 4 interesting facts about Thoreau’s life, and a well-known quotation from Thoreau.
Margaret Fuller This slide should contain a picture of Fuller, 3-4 interesting facts about Fuller’s life, and a well- known quotation from Fuller.
Emerson – Nature Read the excerpt from Emerson’s Nature. This slide should include: Theme of the work – What is the central idea, insight, or lesson of Nature? Evidence of the theme – Provide two or three quotations from the work that support your assessment of the theme.
Emerson – Self-Reliance Read the excerpt from Emerson’s “Self- Reliance”. This slide should include: Theme of the work – What is the central idea, insight, or lesson of “Self-Reliance”? Evidence of the theme – Provide two or three quotations from the work that support your assessment of the theme.
Thoreau – “Civil Disobedience” Read the excerpt from Thoreau’s “Civil Disobedience.” This slide should include: Theme of the work – What is the central idea, insight, or lesson of “Civil Disobedience”? Evidence of the theme – Provide two or three quotations from the work that support your assessment of the theme.
Thoreau -- Walden Read the excerpt from Thoreau’s Walden provided on the website and in the book. This slide should include: Theme of the work – What is the central idea, insight, or lesson of Walden? Evidence of the theme – Provide two or three quotations from the work that support your assessment of the theme.
Fuller – “The Great Lawsuit” Read the excerpt from Fuller’s “The Great Lawsuit” provided on website and book. This slide should include: Theme of the work – What is the central idea, insight, or lesson of “The Great Lawsuit”? Evidence of the theme – Provide two or three quotations from the work that support your assessment of the theme.
Nature Find information about a modern-day organization that follows the principles of the Transcendental movement regarding nature. This slide should include: The organization name The organization logo The organization vision/mission statement/goals Your explanation of the connection between the organization and the writings you’ve read
Culture and Change Find information about a modern-day organization that follows the principles of the Transcendental movement regarding the power of the individual, civil disobedience, and/or cultural change. This slide should include: The organization name The organization logo The organization vision/mission statement/goals Your explanation of the connection between the organization and the writings you’ve read
Women in Society Find information about a modern-day organization that follows the principles of the Transcendental movement regarding equality between the sexes. This slide should include: The organization name The organization logo The organization vision/mission statement/goals Your explanation of the connection between the organization and the writings you’ve read
Synthesis For this slide, you should: Assemble a collage of images that illustrates the connection of the Transcendentalists to modern-day life. Be prepared to explain your collage if the connections are not obviously illustrated.