CS3516 The main course syllabus is at: This document is an expansion of that syllabus. I’m hoping they say the same thing.
Professor Background Dr. Jerry Breecher –Adjunct Professor of Computer Science –Background: Taught College Physics - 10 years Caught the “software disease” It was much more fun programming computers than doing physics. Worked for Data General Corp. – 10 years –Quality Assurance, Operating Systems Worked for Stratus Technologies – 17 years –Performance Analysis Many years teaching courses at WPI Taught at Clark University – 10 years –Courses this year: Operating Systems (CS502), Performance Analysis (CS533), Networking (CS3516)
Course Teaching Assistants Zhongfang Zhuang Office Hours: –Monday 9: :00, –Thursday 9: :00 –Fuller Labs A22 Doug MacFarland Office Hours: –Monday 2:00 - 3:00, –Wednesday 12:00 - 3:00, –Friday 12:15 - 2:15 –Fuller Labs A22
Textbook "Computer Networking, 6th Edition", 2013 Jim Kurose & Keith Ross. Addison Wesley, ISBN Access to network programming information is essential. Either physical or virtual will be fine.
What happens every class? Daily Quizzes Lecture Segments –Sampling of important concepts –These slides are generated by the authors and edited by me. 5 Minute joke break in the middle of class 2 people get to do a 1 minute elevator speech each class. You will be “on the spot” regularly –But life is usually “on the spot” –Reacting is how we learn
Show and Tell We never outgrow our need to show off. We may be afraid of standing up in front of others, but we all wish we could do it. You will have a chance when demonstrating your projects; the TA’s want to watch how you show off your projects. You will have your chance in class telling jokes or your elevator speech.
What You Need to Succeed A solid C or C++ background –Historically, people without it do not succeed –Biggest cause of problems A willingness to request help when needed –The teaching staff is here to help –Leverage each other (but do your own work) The motivation to start early –These projects can’t be done (well) in a day
Communication Class discussion, class hand-outs, s to the student's WPI account, and the course Web pages are avenues for official course communication. Class Students must check their daily. The class list is automatically created based on official registration information. The instructor and TAs will use this mailing list to send information to the class. Questions about the course should be sent to cs3516-staff at cs.wpi.edu. The teaching staff will monitor this list and answer detailed questions. The instructor will handle all policy issues. InstructAssist The MyWPI system used university-wide does not meet the course's needs. Instead, we will be using InstructAssist, a homebrew course management tool. This system will be used for posting grades, submitting projects, obtaining slides, and scheduling project demonstrations.
Online Resources Course Syllabus: InstructAssist –Homebrew Course Management System –Built by Professor Shue GRADES - Automatically posted online via InstructAssist – How will this work?
Syllabus Highlights Grading - 50% Projects, 50% Quizzes Programming in C/C++ Electronics – computers and phones in class. Academic misconduct - Plagarism is the main issue.
Why learn about computer networks? The network is the computer. Increasingly the computer is only an interface for the wider web. The world has shifted from the computer to the cloud.
Course Objectives Computer network architecture concepts Broad view of network stack and protocols Understanding of computer networks from a design and performance perspective Expose standard network terminology TCP/IP network socket programming Introduce wireless and local area networks Congestion and security topics
Project 0 Learning Wireshark Short and sweet – 10 points Assigned Today Due November 07 at 12:01 AM
Project 1 Assigned: Today Checkpoint: November 07 at 12:01 AM Signup for Show and Tell early to get the timeslot you want. Will be available by November 11. Due: November 14 at 12:01 AM Show and Tell: November 14 & Points