Intro to GGMAP Emmalee Dolfi
Ethical Implications of Spatial Analysis Spatially displaying data can change how it’s interpreted Locational privacy and ethics Volunteered Geographic Information System (VGIS) Location-based services (LBS) Data is often collected without the subject knowing it Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Crime Mapping
What is GGMAP? Spatial visualization with Google Maps, OpenStreetMaps, StamenMaps and CloudMadeMaps Combine with GGPLOT2 to spatially display data Use ggmap() to create basemap layer, use “+” to add ggplot2 layer with data HoustonMap <- qmap("houston", zoom = 13, color = "bw") HoustonMap + geom_point(data=violent_crimes,aes(x = lon, y = lat, colour = offense ) ) HoustonMap <- qmap("houston", zoom = 13, color = "bw") HoustonMap + geom_point(data=violent_crimes,aes(x = lon, y = lat, colour = offense ) )
Geocoding Your Data Data must be spatially referenced in order to display it using ggmap
The Process of Geocoding Assigning a location (latitude, longitude) to an address Compares elements in the given address the reference data set and finds the best match
Getting a Base Map Get_map() combines get_googlemap(), get_openstreetmap(), get_stamenmap(), get_cloudmademap() Arguments: Center, zoom, maptype, color, source
Examples of Maptypes
Displaying Point Data Geom_point() Must specify data Argument: aes() x = longitude y = latitude color = variable to display If you have factored levels: Can scale the points based on these factors
Hexagonal Bins Displays a spatial histogram Calculates density per bin from point data Stat_binhex() Specify data Need lat and long in aes() Bins controls the number of bins across the x-axis, which control the size of the bins Alpha controls transparency
Kernel Density Calculate magnitude per unit area from point data Creates equal area cells (like a raster) and gives each cell a value based on the number of point in a “search radius”
References Michael Mann, Department of Geography, GWU ( Fuller, M.R., Seegar, W.S., and Schueck, L.S Routes and Travel Rates of Migrating Peregrine Falcons Falco peregrinus and Swainson's Hawks Buteo swainsoni in the Western Hemisphere. Journal of Avian Biology 29: geocoding e.PDF