Silent Inspector
Introduction Introduction Intro SI Program Outline Tools SI System
Silent Inspector Center USACE Mobile District Mobile, Alabama
Why Mobile District?? 6 Years SI monitoring of contracts Successful SHOALS transition from R&D SI Synergy with eCoastal & eGIS Experience with Ops, R&D, & IM teaming Required IT infrastructure in place
NameAffiliation Fuller, Wynne(Chairman) SAM Bossert, VintonMDC Carrubba, SherylNWP Donohue, CatherineNAD Clark, KCMVN Domurant, GeorgeSPD Dyess, CarlSAM Engle, LanceMVS Godfrey, ChrisNAE Hrametz, JosephSWG Holliday, BarryDCA Linna, ChadLRD Mitchell, CarsnoSWL Premo, AngelaSAD Russo, EdmondERDC Stupplebeen, HelenPOD Trott, KathyHQ, CECW-LRD HQ Walker, JimHQ, CECW-OD SI Center Allen, BrendaCESAM-OP-J Culpepper, EddieCESAM-OP-J Howell, GaryERDC-SAM Lenoir, RhondaERDC-SAM Lillycrop, JeffCESAM-OP-J Lillycrop, LindaERDC-SAM Rosati, JayERDC-SAM Welp, TimERDC-CHL Silent Inspector Board of Director Members
Silent Inspector Program Intro SI Program Outline Tools SI System
Silent Inspector Program Mission: To Provide Corps-wide technical support of dredging through automated tools and services and to evolve these capabilities to meet our growing needs. Operational support includes tools and services to assimilate, analyze, and report dredging quality assurance data at the national, watershed, and project levels. Evolution of these capabilities includes developing, integrating, and diffusing dredging data and decision support tools and services throughout the Corps.
Silent Inspector Government Benefits 24x7 coverage of operations Flexible scheduling of human inspectors Fast response to public and environmental inquiries Reduced claims Better government estimates Improved dredging management Industry Benefits National standard specifications National standards for automated reporting Reliable digital record of operations and performance Minimize disputes Faster dispute resolution
Silent Inspector Program Training Certification Guide Specifications
FY07 Planned Pipeline Projects Illinois – Folley Beach Goetz – St Paul District Oregon – Portland District Potter – St Louis District
Silent Inspector System Intro SI Program Outline Tools SI System
Uses contractor’s sensors and instrumentation Corps does QA and analysis Contractor hardware - Corps Software Reports dredge measured parameters that describe dredge operations Analyzes the data to determine what the dredge is doing – dredging, turning, sailing, dumping. Stores, finds, reports, & plots data Silent Inspector System
Operating Principles Dredges ? Hopper ? Scows ? Pipeline Contractor Specifications District ? Operations ? Environmental ? RE & QARs National Silent Inspector Database Receive Send Internet / Flash disk Load/Daily Reports Data Explorer GlobalStar
Silent Inspector System
ToolsTools Intro SI Program Outline Tools SI System
Upcoming SI Tools - On-Board Dredge Viewer - Ocean Disposal Monitoring Application - Borrow & Disposal Site monitoring tools - eDredge
Thank You Questions? Eddie Culpepper Silent Inspector Program Manager