Carrie Marrow welcomes everyone to the 2014 ACPPLD Annual Learning Event in Swindon
Ros Urwin and Cathy Maguire talk about Sensory Integration and its impact on posture, movement and motor skills
Trying out tasks with our senses impaired – doing up buttons whilst wearing gloves
Tying laces wearing gloves / mittens
Drawing a star using a mirror with our hands covered
Negotiating obstacles with our visual field impaired by using binoculars
Angela Sycamore talks about Dizziness then puts us through our paces
Demonstrating the Hall Pike Dix manouvre
A powerful personal story from Jackie Hempkin
All the Day 1 delegates
2014 National Executive Committee members at AGM Marsha – The new recruit to the National Executive Committee
Day 2 starts with Paul Ewings and Chris Foy giving us an insight into the bewildering world of Research funding and the Ethics maze
Dr Robert Jenkins presents on The aging process for people with Learning Disabilities
Christiana Williams gives a fascinating talk about Palliative care for people with Learning Disabilities
Conference Dinner
The new ACPPLD Choir doing our vocal exercises with Lynn James
Preparing for the big performance – Gareth Malone would be proud A big thank you to Lynn for getting us tuneful and to Jeanette Morrison who accompanied us on keyboards
Fame at last!! The big performance in the hotel bar Click the hyperlink to view the video on YouTube ACPPLD choir - YouTube
Lots of Networking going on!
Day 3 starts with Ram telling us about becoming an injection therapist for spasticity management
Ann Hopkins discusses the Medical management of Spasticity
…. The final lecture was from Sue Foster about the ASSIST toolkit
The 2014 organising committee from SW2 region – Thank you ladies for a great 3 days
Carrie hands the rosebowl over to Terri - chair of the 2015 organising committee
See you all in Ironbridge 14 th – 16 th September 2015