ERYTHROPOEISIS RBC Basophilic Polychroma- Orthochroma- Hemocytoblast Proerythroblast Erythroblast tophilic tophilic Nuclear Reticulocyte Erythroblast Erythroblast Extrusion 1. dispersed 1. clumped 1. condensed 1. condensed 1. anucleate Pluripotential chromatin eccentric chromatin chromatin Stem Cell nucleus 2. spherical 2. grey-green 2. nucleoli 2. no 2. pink cytoplasm 3. slight nucleoli cytoplasm basophilia (hemoglobin 3. cytoplasmic 3. maximum (free ribosomes) synthesis) basophilia basophilia
Erythropoeisis- Several Stages
MYELOPOEISIS Hemocytoblast Myeloblast Promyelocyte (granulopoeisis) (multipotential) (multipotential) Promyelocyte (multipotential) 1. loss of cytoplasmic basophilia 2. dispersed chromatin Eosinophilopoeisis Neutrophilopoeisis Basophilopoeisis
EOSINOPHILOPOEISIS Eosinophilic Eosinophilic Eosinophil Myelocyte Metamyelocyte (band cell) Specific and Metachromatic Granules
Eosinophilopoeisis- Several Stages
MYELOPOEISIS (Several Stages) Nutrophilic Band and Neutrophilic and Eosinophilic Band Cells Eosinophilic Metamyelocyte
BASOPHILOPOEISIS Basophilic Basophilic Myelocyte Basophil Metamyelocyte
THROMBOPOEISIS Endomytosis Reserve Megakaryocyte (megakaryoblast) (w/o karyokinesis Hemocytoblast (w/o cytokinesis) Reserve Megakaryocyte (megakaryoblast) Platelet-Forming Megakaryocyte Residual Megakaryocyte Platelet-Shedding Platelets (fusion of plasma membrane)
BONE MARROW Decalcified Bone and Marrow Marrow Cavity Fat Cells Bone
Marrow Endothelial Cells Megakaryocyte Diapedesis Adipocyte Discontinuity Blood Sinusoid Reticular Hemopoetic Fibers Compartment
Bone Marrow Bone Marrow in Decalcified Bone Bone Marrow Smear