Leaving Certificate Biology Muscular & Skeletal Systems 1 iQuiz SECOND Press the F5 Key to Begin, Then click on this Blue Box FIRST In PowerPoint 2007 if you see a Security Warning click HERE on Options… and then click on Enable this content
These are all functions of the skeleton except … Camouflage ProtectionSupport Movement
This acts to reduce friction between bones. Tendon Spongy boneCartilage Ligament
Name the largest bone in the body. HumerusFemur StirrupTibia
A function of red marrow is to … Store fatMake blood cells Make vitaminsStore vitamins
The lubricating fluid in joints is … Vitreous humourAmniotic fluid Aqueous humourSynovial fluid
Painful inflammation of joints is called … MeningitisArthritis CystitisOsteoporosis
The separate bones of the spine are called … Spinal cordVertebrates VertebraeVertigo
This holds bones together. CartilageLigament TendonMarrow
These are all bones of the arm except … FemurUlna HumerusRadius
Name the type of joint at the elbow. PivotBall and socket HingeGliding
These are all parts of a long bone except … Yellow marrowTarsal Red marrowSpongy bone
Our shoulder blade is called the … FibulaPatella ClavicleScapula
The biceps and triceps are … Antigenic muscles Antagonistic muscles Antidiuretic muscles Appendicular muscles
Our wrist bones are also known as … CarpelsTarsals CarpalsDorsals
The phalanges are our … Fingers and handFingers and toes Toes and feetHands and feet
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