Hematopoeisis VIBS 443/602
Peripheral blood smear (May-Grunwald-Giemsa) 113 Peripheral blood smear (May-Grunwald-Giemsa)
110 Peripheral blood smear (Leishman-Giemsa) eosinophil, basophil, and neutrophils
Bone marrow 19761 19761
Bone marrow smear; low power view, showing negative images of fat globules
Megakaryocyte: contain many joined nuclei Megakaryocyte: contain many joined nuclei. Each probably contain 8-32 times a normal diploid amount of DNA Nuclei of megakaryocyte Red blood cell
Macrophage: contains greenish, iron-containing granules due to poor quality. Differentiating cells have been torn away during preparation. Macrophage Lymphocyte Neutrophil
Pronormoblast Basophilic normoblast Polychromatophilic normoblast Orthochromatic normoblast Myelocyte Late metamyelocytes
Pronormoblast Basophilic normoblast Polychromatophilic normoblast Orthochromatic normoblast Myelocyte Late metamyelocytes
Late promyelocyte Late myelocyte/early metamyelocyte Nearly mature PMN
Smudge cell Promyelocyte Myelocyte Metamyelocytes
Pronormoblast Metamyelocytes Band cell
Bone marrow: EM 12a Reticular cell Developing red blood cell
Bone marrow; EM 8a Lymphocyte PNM Red blood cell eosinophil
Bone marrow; EM 12b PMN Immature neutrophil Red blood cell
Routine H&E of bone Marrow spicules Lipid in fat cells
H&E of bone marrow 1. megakaryocytes
H&E of bone marrow: Red blood cell
Rib 420
420 Rib
421 Tibia, fetal
Red bone marrow smear (May-Grunwald-Giemsa) 112 Red bone marrow smear (May-Grunwald-Giemsa)
Cells of Erythropoisesis Pronormoblast round nucleus and thin rim of deep blue cytoplasm Basophilic normoblast nuclear condensation ("fractured nucleus") with a deep blue cytoplasm
Polychromatophilic normoblast Polychromatophilic normoblast cytoplasm has accumulated enough hemoglobin so that it is no longer blue but a bluish-gray to bluish-red Orthochromatic normoblast must have an almost mature cytoplasm with only the faintest hint of blue: the nucleus is fully condensed
Reticulocyte no nucleus, mature cytoplasm with blue tint Red blood cell typical of mature cell seen in circulation
Cells of Granulopoiesis Promyelocyte oval nucleus with deep blue cytoplasm and azurophilic granules Myelocyte cytoplasm becomes increasingly mature (reddish/clear) but still contains blue, nucleus of variable shape
Metamyelocyte deeply indented nucleus with nearly mature cytoplasm (no longer blue) Band cell nucleus just prior to lobulation with fully mature cytoplasm Neutrophil (mature) lobulated nucleus with fully mature cytoplasm