Case 6 F, 75 ys Erythematous nodule of the lower left leg
DIAGNOSIS Diffuse large B cell lymphoma Work-up: peripheral blood, bone marrow, CT scan: peripheral blood, bone marrow, CT scan: all negative all negative
Follow-up (after 17 months) Local recurrence of the lesion New biopsy Same morphology Subcutaneous tissue involvement But...
FINAL DIAGNOSIS Primary cutaneous MCL, blastoid variant, with aberrant bcl-6/CD10 expression Cesinaro AM, Bettelli S, Maccio L, Milani M. Cesinaro AM, Bettelli S, Maccio L, Milani M. Cesinaro AMBettelli SMaccio LMilani M Cesinaro AMBettelli SMaccio LMilani M Primary Cutaneous Mantle Cell Lymphoma of the Leg With Blastoid Morphology and Aberrant Immunophenotype: A Diagnostic Challenge. Am J Dermatopathol Apr 22. [Epub ahead of print]. Primary Cutaneous Mantle Cell Lymphoma of the Leg With Blastoid Morphology and Aberrant Immunophenotype: A Diagnostic Challenge. Am J Dermatopathol Apr 22. [Epub ahead of print]. Am J Dermatopathol. Am J Dermatopathol.
FISH break apart (t11;14) Cyclin-D1+ ↑ Mib-1 CD5 -
Work-up: peripheral blood, bone marrow and CT scan negative Therapy: local radiotherapy 14 months later: ulcer of the tongue: MCL Further work-up: peripheral blood, bone marrow and CT scan negative Therapy: 3 cycles of chemotherapy Recurrence and pulmonary complications Death 40 months after first skin biopsy
PITFALLS in MCL diagnosis Aberrant expression of B cell markers (CD10, bcl-6) Sometimes negativity for CD5 Blastoid morphology: DD with diffuse large B cell lymphoma Involvement of the skin, usually secondary Very rare cases of bona fide primary cutaneous MCL Note: diagnostic value of IIC and FISH Note: diagnostic value of IIC and FISH