DFS - 85,0±6,8% (n=108; ev=6)
STANDARD-RISK GROUP (SR) if available FC MRD < 0,1% or M1/ M2 marrow on day 15 HIGH-RISK GROUP (HR) IR and, if available FC MRD >10% or M3 marrow on day 15 SR if available FC MRD >10% INTERMEDIATE-RISK GROUP (IR) All patients who are not stratified to SR or HR are intermediate risk patients.
Identify residual leukemia blasts in blood and bone marrow by microscopic analysis on 15 and 33 days. Morphological assessment can be imprecise. Measurement of MRD can be used to monitor treatment response much more precisely than morphological screening.
Using 3-color flow cytometry on 15 day CD19 + CD ,6% NC CD19 + CD10 + CD ,6% NC CD19 + CD34 + 0,06% NC CD19 + CD34 + CD ,06% NC
67 patients 64 patients with immunophenotype pre-pre B 2 patients with pro B immunophenotype 1 patient with pre B immunophenotype Age group 6 months-16 years
CD19/CD10/CD34 CD19/CD10/CD45 or\and CD19/CD34/CD45 50 pt 1.Syto16/CD10/CD45/CD19 17pt 2. CD20/CD10/CD34/CD19 3 CD10/CD58/CD34/CD19
31 patients MRD < 0,1% – 19,4% ( 6 of 31) MRD <0,1-10% – у 74 % (23 of 31) MRD ≥10,0% – у 6,6% (2 of 31);
30 patients MRD <0,1-10% – у 86,6% (26 of 30) MRD ≥10,0% – у13,4% (4 of 30) ;
6 patients MRD ≥10,0% - 100% (6 of 6)
Risk Group Morphological screening + MRD STANDARD-RISK GROUP (SR) 46,3% (31 )43.3% ( 29) INTERMEDIATE-RISK GROUP (IR) 44.8% (30)38.8%(26) HIGH-RISK GROUP (HR) 8.9% (6)17.9%(12)
We can use MRD as independent prognostic factor in childhood We can use MRD as tool for risk-group classification during front-line therapy We can use MRD for adjust treatment intensity.
Thanks for you attention.