THE TIMETABLE OF AGGRESSION Steps to the outbreak of World War II
The Japanese Invasion of Manchuria 1931
1933- Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany By June 1934, Hitler had become “Der Fuhrer” – the leader – with unchallenged power in Germany.
1934- attempted Anschluss with Austria In 1934 Hitler attempted to unite with Austria. This was forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles. The attempt was halted by Mussolini, who moved 100,000 troops to the Austrian border. Hitler ordered the Austrian Nazis to back off.
1935-Italian invasion of Abyssinia
1936 – Hitler remilitarised the Rhineland
1937 – Japan invaded the rest of China
March 1938 – Hitler completed the Anschluss with Austria
September Munich Crisis Hitler demanded that the Sudetenland be `ceded to Germany. He threatened war if he did not get it. At the Munich Conference, France and Britain appeased Hitler by agreeing to his demand. Czechoslovakia was forced to give in to German demands.
March 1939 – Germany occupied rest of Czechoslovakia In March 1939 Hitler broke his word and occupied the rest of Czechoslovakia. This ended appeasement and rearmament rates increased
1 September 1939 – Germany invaded Poland Poland rejected German demands for control of the Danzig Corridor Germany invaded Poland Britain and France declared war on Germany. Poland was defeated within three weeks by a new tactic - Blitzkrieg