Germany and Hitler
Agenda 1.Bell Ringer: Quick Review Russian Revolution 2.Lecture: Germany in the Interwar Period (20) 3.The effects of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany. 4.Triumph of the Will/Speech by Adolf Hitler to the Youth of Germany (15) 5.Primary Document Analysis: Newspapers of the Period (20) 6.Charlie Chaplin’s view of Hitler… Why?(10) HW: Focus Questions Due, Chapters 22 and 23 on March 28 th. Test on Period 5 Industrialization to World War I will be on April 4 th.
Russian Revolution Quick Review What are major causes of the Russian Revolution? How does Lenin take power in Russia? What is Lenin’s New Economic Plan for Russia? Describe the major shift in government power from Tsar Nicholas to Stalin, and explain the weaknesses that led to the next leader. How will Stalin differ from Lenin? (not the awesome mustache)
The results The French wanted to punish Germany, and strip them of war-making powers. Treaty of Versailles finally signed June 28 th, – League of Nations created, but it was a weak organization. – Germany lost substantial territory, restrictions placed on military, and reparations had to be paid.
Issues with the League of Nations Ends up being a weak organization. United States does not join, the people want isolation. Bitterness and hatred stew with the German people Some Allies didn’t receive any support after the war, ex: Japan and Italy. Mandate System = Colonialism
After the Great War Germany is stripped of military dominance after the war. Wilhelm II abdicates his throne in support of Prince Maximillan. A fragile provisional government takes over and slowly rebuilds Germany.
Hyperinflation 1923, they thought it was easier to print money than raise taxes to to – 18,000 to 1 January – 350,000 to 1 July – 5,000,000 to 1 August
Examples of Prices – Newspaper = 100 Billion marks – Loaf of Bread = 3 Billion – One beer = 4 Billion – Pound of Meat = 36 Billion – Banknotes were used as firewood and wallpaper
Depression hits Weimar recovers from the hyperinflation of 1923 through new currency, effectively erasing 12 zeros. Upon the American Stock Market crash a worldwide Depression hits. Unemployment is nearly 30% when Hitler takes power.
Great Depression worldwide After the Stock Market crash of 1929, its effects are felt worldwide. Cyclical effect, US economy falters, then Germany falls because of reparations, then Britain and the rest of the world falls as well. Russia stays out of it.
President Von Hindenburg was getting old, he led Germany out of the hyperinflation. Hitler attempts to legally gain Presidency through elections in His Nazi party wins 40% of seats within Reichstag. Legally named Chancellor in 1932.
Hitler seizes power After he becomes Chancellor, Hitler begins to set himself up to be sole ruler of Germany. He becomes President and Chancellor after Hindenburg’s death in 1933, and Germany approves. Hitler abolishes all other parties except Nazism. After Reichstag fire, he sets up Enabling Act, giving him absolute power for four years.
Nazi Ideology Glorification of militarism and order. Rule by a Leader. Germany added racism and eventually genocide to the ideology. Examples: – Nuremburg Laws – Kristallnacht ons/7/7d/Nuremberg_laws.jpg
The Great Dictator 7E