Hitler becomes leader of Germany… When Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933, British leaders worried that a new war might begin.
British Government makes plans in case of war… By 1934, afraid that British cities and towns would be targets for bombing raids by aircraft, officials made secret plans to move infants, schoolchildren and some adults to the countryside if war began.
Evacuation begins… Obviously St Paul’s Girls were affected too. Evacuation was to be voluntary, with parents deciding whether to send their children away. In September 1939, evacuation commenced several days before Britain entered the war.
Is Britain next? In June 1940, following the defeat of France, people were afraid that towns on the east and southeast coasts of England would be bombed.
How would it have felt to have been a St Paul’s pupil during this time? Think of two questions you would like to ask a pupil who was at St Paul’s during World War Two, 1939 – 1945.
The Blitz begins… When heavy bombing raids started in the autumn of the Blitz - another big evacuation began, although some St Paul’s pupils remained at home in Birmingham.
How were St Paul’s Girls affected by World War Two? Your challenge is to research a range of evidence focusing on two aspects of the war: Evacuation and the Blitz. You could present your findings as a role play, interview or article for the school website. Good luck!
Evacuation Later, in 1944, when Germany attacked Britain with flying bombs and rockets, and places like London were badly damaged again, a further large evacuation of children and mothers took place. This was the last evacuation of the war. Most evacuees were able to return home during Some, though, were orphans, because their parents had been killed in air raids.
Conclusion? Reflect on your findings… How did World War Two affect the pupils of St Paul’s School for Girls?