Good Morning! 1.NVC 2.Review Fascism weekend homework 3.Hitler’s Agenda Essential Question: What was Hitler’s agenda as leader of Germany? Homework: Fill out FIRST COLUMN of Graphic organizer after reading Program of the Nazi Party
Fascism What were the core beliefs of Fascism and how did these beliefs lead to WWII?
Night of the Long Knives June 1934 Hindenburg is on his death bed Hitler orders Operation Hummingbird – Hitler has all opposition leaders assassinated – Known as the Night of the Long Knives August 1934 Hindenburg dies – Hitler passes law proclaiming himself “Fuhrer” – Germany now a Totalitarian regime
“By naming Hitler as Reichschancellor, you have delivered up our holy Fatherland to one of the greatest rabble-rousers of all time. I solemnly predict that this cursed man will plunge our beloved Reich into the abyss and bring our nation into inconceivable misery.”– General Erich Ludendorff, to President Hindenburg of the Weimar Republic
Essential Question What was Hitler’s agenda as leader of Germany? – Read over the “Program of the Nazi Party.” In the first column of the graphic organizer, summarize each agenda point in YOUR OWN WORDS – Read over Documents A-D (Speeches 1-4). How does Hitler further explain the main points of the Program of the Nazi Agenda? Summarize this information in the second column
Greater Germany Parts of Germany split up as a result of Treaty of Versailles Hitler desires a Greater Germany Hitler re-occupies the Rhineland and Saarland Anschluss = “link-up” – Germany and Austria to merge together in1938 – First discussed pre-WWI
Treaty of Versailles Hitler routinely violated Treaty of Versailles – Territories gained to create Greater Germany were violations 1935 Hitler re- militarizes Germany – Rebuilds Army, Navy, and Air Force – Europe voices disapproval, but does nothing = Appeasement
Solving the Economy Hitler promises Four-Year Plans – End inflation – End unemployment National SOCIALISM – Government has active role in running economy War Economy – Growth because of rearmament – Stops paying reparations to rest of Europe
“Blood and Soil” “Blut und Boden” – Only people who are tied to Germany by “blood and soil” can become citizens – Super Nationalist and Racist ideas The “Aryan” Race – Original speakers of Indo-European language – The original “white people”
Nuremberg Laws Nuremberg Laws (1935) – Defined being German as having “four German grandparents” – Also defined being Jewish – First official anti-Semitic laws – Not new though, anti- Semitism around in Germany since 1800s
“Living Space” Germany had been dealing with overpopulation for hundreds of years Hitler promises Lebensraum = Living Space – Conquest of “Lebensraum” = Hitler’s most important foreign policy goal – Aggressive Imperialism Implementation = WWII