The Play of the Diary of Anne Frank Act 1, Scene 1
Act 1, Scene 1: The play opens in 1945 after the war has ended. Otto Frank returns to the Annex to say his goodbyes. He is a frail and broken man who has lost everything.
Act 1, Scene 1: He feels guilty over the suffering of the helpers. He initially feels reluctant to read Anne’s diary because it is too painful. Her diary starts the day that they moved into the annex
Act 1, Scene 1: The themes that are explored through the characters and incidents in this scene are: Loss Persecution Generosity
Questions & Answers: What is significant about the date at the opening of the play? The date is significant because it tells us that the war has ended and that Otto Frank has returned to Amsterdam as the only survivor. What is your initial impression of Mr Frank? My initial impression of Mr Frank is of a man who has been physically, emotionally and financially broken. He carries many sorrows and burdens. The diary reads: “The things got very bad for the Jews.” Explain why. After Hitler rose to power in Germany, he began persecuting the Jews. He passed many restrictive laws that made life for Jews very difficult.