Shashank Mohan ITC105 Part A – Power Point Presentation
The URL My website will be located at the following address: This address is on the CSU server and is hosted on the free web space that they provide to each student.
Who Is The Intended Audience For My Website? One of the great aspects of the website I have created and hosted on the CSU server, is the way that it is not intended for any certain age group or person(s) The website has different sites that may appeal to different people. For instance, the computers webpage could appeal to an adult interested in computers, or a teen or who may also be interested in computers and what I have to say on the matter. The movies, games and sports website will basically appeal to most people interested in the areas that the page covers. It also shares my interest the in fields aswell, this is not to say that these are the only things I enjoy either.
The Goals Of My Website The first goal of my website, is to share my interests and hobbies with everybody. The second goal of my website is to briefly paint a picture as to what I do with my life and what I do in my spare time. The third goal of my website was to prove to myself that I could create a website purely using the xhtml code and not using programs such as dreamweaver or Microsoft FrontPage. The fourth and ongoing goal was, as I was creating the webiste, I wanted to broaden the intended audience as I went along creating the webpage's. To the best of my ability I did that, so that my interests and hobbies could be shared with anybody interested in finding out facts about me.
Power Point Presentation Home Computers Movies Games And Sport Reference List External link to PC Authority Website Site Design Diagram
The Written Section This section describes the content, layout and function of each webpage.
Homepage Content – This page is built in a nested table, there are large text for the main heading and the smaller heading, the smaller heading is in italics. There are three pictures on this page, each picture is a picture of each link there is. E.g.. The computer picture and there is a link to a computers page. The background image in this page is designed by me in photoshop. Layout – Like on most websites the main heading comes first and underneath it is the smaller heading (subheading). Underneath this are the three pictures illustrating an interest or hobby of mine. Underneath this are the links to each page I have created and this power point slide. Then underneath this is a short paragraph about the site and explaining its purpose, to the bottom right of this is the logo proving that the site is xhtml 1.0 strict. If you wish to see how the webpage was nested in the tables, simply open up the source or coding and where the tag “border” is in the table tags set the borders to 1. These features were used for easy navigation and so it the page wasn’t unorgazied. Function – The function of the homepage is to clearly indicate where the viewer can navigate their way through the pages and not making the viewing too complicated or too cluttered.
Comptuers Content - Once again this site is like the homepage, where there is a main heading in large text and a smaller heading in slightly smaller text and in italics. There are two images on this page, one of a network topology and underneath it is a picture of a PC Authority magazine cover. There are also links on this page, the background is designed by my in photoshop. Layout – Slightly to the right of the center of the are two pictures going down the page. To the left of these pictures are a couple of paragraphs explaining my interest in computers. To the right of these pictures are the links to my other pages. Underneath the pictures is a line stating that the link to this power point document can be found on the homepage. This page is also in a nested table and adding the value 1 to the border tag will reveal this. This page has been set out like this because controlling content in a nested table is much easier than without it. The rest of the page was set out as it is because it was easy on the eye. Function - The purpose of this site was to share my interest in computers with anyone who was interested in finding out facts about me.
Movies Games And Sport Content - This page also includes large text for the main heading and smaller heading. It contains two images, links, paragraphs, custom background I designed myself in photoshop and all these are in a nested table. Layout – As usual at the top main heading and underneath the smaller heading in italics. Underneath this to the left is are two pictures aligned one below the other. Underneath the bottom picture is a line stating where to find the link to this power point document. To the right of these pictures are words outlining my interest in movies, games and sport. Directly underneath these words are the links to my other pages. In the bottom right corner of this page is the logo validating the site as xhtml strict. This page was laid out as it is, so that it does not look like a big clutter of images and information. The way it is laid out now was the most effective and attractive way. Function – The function of this webpage was to show what I do in my spare time or just what I do for fun.
Reference List Content – This page only consists of a main heading a smaller heading, some text, links and the valid xhtml strict logo. Layout – All the reference are aligned in the center of the page, underneath the references are the links to my other pages. Below the links is the line stating that the link to this power point can be found on the homepage. In the bottom right corner is the xhtml logo. The information on this page was laid out as it is, because they were the only bits of information on the page and this being the reason they were positioned in the middle of the page. Function – This page’s function is just to act as a reference list, for any pages I have used to complete my webpage's and images I have used from other sites.