Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Published by: Hadees-e-Kisa
of 143 I take refuge in Allah (swt) from the accursed Shaitan. In the name of Allah (swt), the Beneficent, the Merciful 2
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Verily, Allah (swt) and his angels send blessings on the Prophet. O you who believe, send (Devine) blessings on him and greet him with a worthy greeting 3
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Jabar ibne Abdullah Ansari said 4
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Fatimah Zehra (sa) binte Rasoolallah (saw) 5
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Hazrat Fatima Is said to have related an event: My father, Rasoolallah (saw), came to my house, One day. 6
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 And said to me: “Peace be upon you O Fatimah” I replied: “And peace be upon you” 7
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Then he said: “I feel weakness in my body” 8
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 I said: “Allah (swt) protects you from weakness, my father.” 9
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 He said: “O Fatimah (sa), please bring me the Yemani cloak and cover me with it.” 10
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 So I brought the Yemani cloak, and covered him with it. 11
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Then, I looked at him and saw that his face was shining like a full moon in the night with its glory and splendor 12
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 After a while, my son Hasan (as) 13
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Came in and said: “Peace be upon you, mother” I replied: “And peace be upon you, O the light of my eyes and the delight of my heart” 14
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 He then said: “Mother, I smell a fragrance so sweet, so pure As that of my grandfather, Rasoolallah (saw) 15
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 I replied: “Yes, your grandfather is lying under the cloak” 16
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Hasan went near the cloak 17
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 And said: “Peace be upon you, my grandfather, Rasoolallah (saw) 18
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 May I enter the cloak with you?” 19
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 He replied: “And peace be upon you, my son, the master of my fountain. You are given permission to enter” 20
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 So he [Hasan (as)] entered the cloak with him. 21
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 After a while, my son Husain (as) 22
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Came in and said: “Peace be upon you, mother I replied: “And peace be upon you, O the light of my eyes and the delight of my heart.” 23
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 He then said: “Mother, I smell a sweet fragrance As that of my grandfather, Rasoolallah (saw) 24
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 I replied: “Yes, your grandfather and your brother are lying underneath the cloak.” 25
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Husain (as) went near the cloak 26
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 And said: “Peace be upon you, my grandfather The Chosen of Allah 27
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 May I enter the cloak with you?” 28
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 He replied: “And peace be upon you, my son and interceder of my followers. You are given permission to enter” 29
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 So he [Husain (as)] entered the cloak with them 30
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 After a while, Abul Hasan, Ali ibne Abi Talib (as) came in 31
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 And said: “Peace be upon you, the daughter of Rasoolallah (saw)” 32
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 I replied: “And peace be upon you O father of Hasan and the Commander of the Faithful” 33
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 He said: “Fatimah, I smell a sweet fragrance Like that of my brother (cousin) Rasoolallah (saw)” 34
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 I replied: “Yes, he is underneath the cloak with your two sons” 35
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 So Ali (as) went near the cloak 36
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 And said: “Peace be upon you, o Rasoolallah (saw) May I enter the cloak with you?” 37
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 He replied: “And peace be upon you, my brother, my legatee, My successor and my standard bearer, you are given permission to enter” 38
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 So Ali (as) entered to cloak with them 39
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Then I went near the cloak 40
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 And said: “Peace be upon you, my father, Rasoolallah (saw) May I enter the cloak with you?” 41
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 He replied: “And peace be upon you, my daughter, o part of myself, you are given permission to enter” 42
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 So I entered the cloak with them 43
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Getting together underneath the cloak, 44
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 My father, Rasoolallah (saw), held the ends of the cloak 45
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 And raised his right hand toward Heaven 46
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 And prayed: “O Allah (swt), these are the people of my household (Ahlul-Bayt). They are my confidants and my supporters 47
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Their flesh is my flesh 48
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 And their blood is my blood 49
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Whoever hurts them, hurts me 50
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Whoever displeases them, displeases me 51
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 I am at war with those at war with them 52
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 I am at peace with those at peace with them 53
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 I am the enemy of their enemies 54
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 I am the friend of their friends 55
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 They are from me and I am from them 56
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 O Allah! Bestow Your blessings, 57
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Benevolence, forgiveness 58
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 And Your pleasure upon me and upon them. And remove impurity from them And keep them thoroughly pure 59
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Then the Lord, Almighty Allah (swt) said: “O My angels! O the residents of My heavens! 60
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Verily, I have not created the erected sky, 61
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Nor the stretched earth, 62
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Nor the illuminated moon, 63
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Nor the bright sun, 64
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Nor the rotating planets, nor the flowing seas 65
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Nor the sailing ships 66
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 But for the love of these Five lying underneath the cloak 67
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Jibrael, the trusted angel, asked: “O Lord, who are under the cloak?” 68
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 He, Allah (swt) replied: “They are the Household of the Prophet, And the assets of the Messengership They are: Fatimah, her father, her husband, and her two sons” 69
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Jibrael said: “O Lord, may I go to earth To be the sixth of them?” 70
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Allah replied: “Yes, you are given permission” 71
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Jibrael, the trusted, landed near them and said: “Peace be upon you, O Rasoolallah (saw) 72
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 The All-Highest Conveys His peace on you and distinguishes you with His greetings and blessings 73
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 And says: “In the name of My Majesty and Glory, 74
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Verily, I have not created the erected sky 75
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Nor the stretched earth 76
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Nor the illuminated moon 77
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Nor the bright sun 78
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Nor the rotating planets, nor the flowing seas 79
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Nor the sailing ships 80
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 But for your sake and in your love.” And He [Allah (swt)] has given me permission to enter [the cloak] with you 81
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 So, may I join you, O Rasoolallah (saw)?” 82
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Rasoolallah (saw) replied: “And peace be upon you, O trusted bearer of Allah’s Revelations, 83
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Yes, you are granted permission” 84
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 So, Jibrael entered the cloak with us. 85
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 And said to my father: “Verily, Allah (swt) sends His revelation to you. He says: 86
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 “Verily Allah’s desire is to remove all blemishes from you, O People of the Household (Ahlul-Bayt), and purify you with the perfect purification.”” 87
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Then Ali (as) asked my father: “O Rasoolallah (saw) 88
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Tell me what significance has Allah (swt) given for us gathering under the cloak?” 89
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Rasoolallah (saw) said: 90
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 “By Him who rightfully appointed me as Prophet 91
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 And chose me as Messenger for the salvation of mankind 92
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Whenever and wherever an assembly of our followers 93
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 And friends mentions this event 94
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Allah (swt) will bestow on them His blessings and mercy 95
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Angels will encircle them 96
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Asking Allah (swt) the remission of their sins until the assembly disperses” 97
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 So Ali (as) said: “Verily, by the Lord of the Ka’ba, we and our followers are the winners” 98
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Rasoolallah (saw) said: 99
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 “By Him who rightfully appointed me as Prophet 100
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 And chose me as Messenger for the salvation of mankind 101
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Whenever and wherever an assembly of our followers 102
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 And friends mentions this event 103
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 There shall remain none grieved but Allah (swt) will remove his grief, 104
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 There shall remain none distressed but Allah (swt) will dispel his distress, 105
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 There shall remain none wish-seeker but Allah (swt) will grant his wish” 106
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 All happily said: “Verily, we and our followers 107
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 By the Lord of the Ka’ba, have achieved success and felicity in the world and hereafter” 108
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 O Allah (swt), I beseech You in the name of Mohammad (saw) And you are Mahmood 109
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 And in the name of Ali (as) And you are A’laa 110
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 And in the name of Fatimah (sa) And you are Faatir of the heavens and the earth 111
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 And in the name of Hasan (as) And you are Mohsin (of the universe) 112
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 And in the name of Husain (as) And you are Qadeem-ul-Ahsaan 113
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 And in the name of the Nine Ma’soomeen in the progeny of Imam Husain (as) 114
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 And in the name of the martyrs of Karbala 115
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 And in the name of the captives of Karbala 116
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 And in the name of Bibi Zainab (sa) and Bibi Umme Kulsoom (sa) 117
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 And in the name of Hazrat Abu-al-Fazlil Abbas (as) 118
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 O Lord of Fatimah (sa), for the sake of Fatimah (sa), soothe the heart of Fatimah (sa), by the reappearance of Imam-e-Zamaanah (afs) The Book is available on
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 O Allah (swt), send blessings on Mohammad (saw) and his progeny, and hasten the reappearance of Imam-e-Zamaanah (afs) 122
Hadees-e-Kisa of 143 Surah-e-Fatiha Please recite Surah-e-Fatiha for: Marhoomeen of Hurmat Waziri saahab, and the Marhoomeen of: all the Muhibbaan-e-Ahlul Bayt, the attendees of the program, the sponsor(s) of the program, and the publishers of this presentation