The Reflective Research Paper Quick Check
First, let’s check formatting only!
(Note: You don’t write ENG 102 anywhere on here!) Note: The APA title is longer than normal, remember that it answers your research question! Think back to the prompt if you need help!
I highly doubt you will have any key words – but if you do – go ahead and identify them! Otherwise you will have just the one paragraph!
Abstract Quick Check: Do you... Name your generation in the first sentence? Address characteristic 1? Address characteristic 2? Address characteristic 3? Talk about how you fit in? Avoid phrasing such as: in this paper... I will discuss... Quickly, count your words in your abstract. Write the number underneath the last sentence. You must be between !
Looking at the details.... Check out your attention getter – is it amazing? Does it show and not just tell? Does it paint an incredible picture and immediately pull your reader in to your generation? In your introduction do you mention your three generational markers? Circle them. Are they events that anyone your age, across the country, would be able to identify? Look at the topic sentence of your first three body paragraphs – highlight the category that you are addressing. Your category must be named in your topic sentence. Look at your “how do I fit in” paragraph – do you explain effectively how well you fit in? Also, in the topic sentence of this paragraph do you address whether or not you fit in with your generation?
Looking at the details.... In the margin by the characteristics paragraphs (body paragraphs 1, 2, and 3) please write down your category in the margin next to the paragraph! Look again at each characteristic paragraph – if your paragraph is labeled technology, do you ONLY address technology? Keep your body paragraphs focused! Be sure that each paragraph comes back as well to your generational title! You need to demonstrate that your title of your generation reflects what you share about your characteristic! Is your generation title treated like a proper noun?
Looking at the details.... Are your intro and conclusion shorter than your body paragraphs? Are ALL of your body paragraphs balanced in length? Is your entire essay free of you or your? Even though you can use I in this paper, don’t over use the pronoun I! It will make your writing too informal! Your sources must be quality sources – they cannot be a dictionary or a quote page!
APA Requirements Find all your short quotes – do they look just like this: Place the author's last name and the year of publication of the work you are citing in parentheses at the appropriate place in the text, separated by a comma. If the author’s name is mentioned in the sentence, use the year of publication alone in parentheses. Example: The need for continuing education “has become apparent to all” (Jones, 2009). Example: Rogers (2007) feels that “this does not represent a conflict of interest.”
APA Requirements Find all your paraphrases – do they look just like this: Example: The need for continuing education has become apparent to all (Jones, 2009). Example: Rogers (2007) feels that this does not represent a conflict of interest.
Personal Communication. Cite interviews, memos, letters, , and similar unpublished person-to-person communication as follows: One of Atkinson’s colleagues, who has studied the effect of the media on the children’s eating habits, has contended that advertisers for snack foods will need to design ads responsibly for their younger viewers (F. Johnson, personal communication, April 22, 2015). Do NOT include personal communication in your reference list! You also need to have two references to your interview in your paper, just like any other source! Find your Interview References Be certain that your actual quotes from the interview add something amazing to your paper! They need to add to your ideas and support them!
APA Requirements Check your References page: Internet: Landis, B. (1996). Carlisle Indian Industrial School history. Retrieved from Note: Sometimes you will see a date put with Retrieved. You only have to include the date it was retrieved if you feel as though it could potentially change. This is added at your discretion.
APA Requirements Check your References page: Fusilli, J. (2015, January 5). Rock & Pop Music: Beware Gen Xers Who Can't Let Go. Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition), p. D.5. Retrieved April 21, 2015, from ProQuest National Newspapers Core. (Document ID: ). Note: This is an example from the National Newspapers Core
Vocabulary Requirements Be sure that you have 10 vocabulary words in your paper! Count your vocab words and underneath your conclusion put V= and then include the number of words you have!
Does your thesis include the following: Name Your Generation (highlight the name) Include the three characteristics you will address (circle each characteristic individually) How do you explain why your generation is the way it is- think about how attitudes and actions are reflected (Underline) Does your thesis include the following: Name Your Generation (highlight the name) Include the three characteristics you will address (circle each characteristic individually) How do you explain why your generation is the way it is- think about how attitudes and actions are reflected (Underline)
Your paper can ONLY be in Times New Roman font! Don’t forget:
This is your essay final exam and worth 200 points! You don’t want to be docked 20% from this grade! Don’t forget: