CURR 285-??, FirstName LastName, Spring 2005 [My_Own_Portfolio_Title_Here] Portfolio Template Directions Feel free to use and modify this Powerpoint template for your portfolio in any way you wish. Please save this Powerpoint file in an appropriate folder with this name: FirstName-LastName-My Portfolio-Contents-01.ppt Your Portfolio At the end of the course, assemble all of your printouts in a 3-ring binder as your portfolio. Suggestions For Using This Template Use this template to create the structure of your portfolio. This template will help you to list all contents. Edit any text inside of brackets; then delete the brackets. Use this edited slide as the front cover of your portfolio. A Graphic Design Include any one, or more, of these elements on this front cover slide: Any clipart of your choice Your photo, with a caption underneath Any photo, with a caption underneath An original drawing or sketch of your choice Any type of text or design element of your choice Footer Edit the footer for this slide. (Later, delete this text box.) Presented to Dr. Michael Beutner in fulfillment of course requirements for CURRICULUM 285, Application of Instructional Media and Technology Spring Semester 2005
CURR 285-??, FirstName LastName, Spring 2005 Portfolio Contents Page Front Cover Of This Portfolio Portfolio Contents Page Internet Packet Internet Scavenger Hunt Activity 1 Database Article Critique On Assistive Technology Printout Of The Assistive Article Evaluations of 3 Educational Websites Kidspiration/Inspiration Packet An Original Interactive Computer-Based Classroom Activity Sample Answer Sheet Of The Interactive Computer-Based Activity Mapping Activity To Plan The Course Project, 3 Sheets Desktop Publishing Packet An Original 2-Page Newsletter An Original Flyer For A Classroom Activity Or Event Excel Spreadsheet Packet Use And Customization Of An Electronic Gradebook Visualization Of Surveyed Data With Graphs Powerpoint/Multimedia Packet Interactive Powerpoint Presentation/Tutorial Interactive Digital Camera Exercise [Other Samples (THIS SECTION IS OPTIONAL)] [Brief Description, Optional Assignment, OPTIONAL] Course Signature Piece/Final Project Checklist Of Signature Piece Lesson Plan 1 Sheet Printout Of Lesson Plan 1 Printout Of Technology Application 1 Lesson Plan 2 Sheet Printout Of Lesson Plan 2 Printout Of Technology Application 2 Lesson Plan 3 Sheet Printout Of Lesson Plan 3 Printout Of Technology Application 3 Directions List all of your assignments here. Edit as needed. Optional You can include any of the class exercise assignments we did during the course; if you are proud of something that you did in class, include it!. This is purely optional. Edit any text inside of brackets; then delete the brackets. Assemble your portfolio in the same order as your list the contents. A Question Q. Does my portfolio need to have page numbers? A. No. (Later, delete this text box.)
CURR 285-??, FirstName LastName, Spring 2005 Internet Packet Directions Print out this page and place it in your portfolio between sections. Order Assemble your portfolio in the same order as your list. (Later, delete this text box.)
CURR 285-??, FirstName LastName, Spring 2005 Kidspiration/Inspiration Packet Directions Print out this page and place it in your portfolio between sections. Order Assemble your portfolio in the same order as your list. (Later, delete this text box.)
CURR 285-??, FirstName LastName, Spring 2005 Desktop Publishing Packet Directions Print out this page and place it in your portfolio between sections. Order Assemble your portfolio in the same order as your list. (Later, delete this text box.)
CURR 285-??, FirstName LastName, Spring 2005 Excel Spreadsheet Packet Directions Print out this page and place it in your portfolio between sections. Order Assemble your portfolio in the same order as your list. (Later, delete this text box.)
CURR 285-??, FirstName LastName, Spring 2005 Powerpoint/Multimedia Packet Directions Print out this page and place it in your portfolio between sections. Order Assemble your portfolio in the same order as your list. (Later, delete this text box.)
CURR 285-??, FirstName LastName, Spring 2005 Other Samples Directions Print out this page and place it in your portfolio between sections. This section is optional. Order Assemble your portfolio in the same order as your list. (Later, delete this text box.)
CURR 285-??, FirstName LastName, Spring 2005 Course Signature Piece Directions Print out this page and place it in your portfolio between sections. Order Assemble your portfolio in the same order as your list. (Later, delete this text box.)
CURR 285-??, FirstName LastName, Spring 2005 Directions For Assembling Your Portfolio 1. Edit the previous slides. 2. Print out the previous slides. 3. Arrange your printouts in the same order as your portfolio contents page. 5. Use a 3-hole punch on all of your printouts. 6. Assemble your printouts in a 3-ring binder. 7. Present your portfolio before the deadline. Directions For Submitting Your Files Submit the finalized copies of your work files in this way: Create a new folder on your USB storage device called: 285-?? FirstName LastName Finalized Portfolio Files Create these sub-folders with these names: FirstName LastName Internet Packet FirstName LastName Inspiration Packet FirstName LastName Excel Packet FirstName LastName Powerpoint Packet FirstName LastName Desktop Publishing Packet FirstName LastName Signature Piece Copy the finalized versions of your files into the appropriate folders. After the final exam, be prepared to copy your main folder (that contains the subfolders and finalized files) from your USB storage device to a specified place. Don’t include this slide in your portfolio. By The End Of The Semester…