Resistor Color Code
Lesson 2 Theory (30 minutes) WorkStation (30 minutes) –Measure Resistance color Revision (30 minutes) Break Individual Exercise (1 hour) 5/8/2015TT2
Lesson 2 Correction of Exercise (30 minutes) Theory on Parallel Circuit –Current –Voltage –Resistor Exercise 5/8/2015TT3
5/8/2015TT4 Color1 st band2 nd band3 rd band (multiplier)4 th band (tolerance)Temp. Coefficient Black00×10 0 Brown11×10 1 ±1% (F)100 ppm Red22×10 2 ±2% (G)50 ppm Orange33× ppm Yellow44× ppm Green55×10 5 ±0.5% (D) Blue66×10 6 ±0.25% (C) Violet77×10 7 ±0.1% (B) Gray88×10 8 ±0.05% (A) White99×10 9 Gold ×10 -1 ±5% (J) Silver ×10 -2 ±10% (K) None ±20% (M)
5/8/2015TT5 Resistor Color Code
5/8/2015TT6 Resistor Color Code (cont’d) Another example for a Carbon Ohms or 22 Kilo-Ohms also known as 22K at 5% tolerance: Band 1 = Red, 1st digit Band 2 = Red, 2nd digit Band 3 = Orange, 3rd digit, multiply with zeros, in this case 3 zero's Band 4 = Gold, Tolerance, 5%
5/8/2015TT7 Resistor Color Code (cont’d) Try the steps below to help you 'Learn the Color-code'. Make sure you add the number to the color, like: 0 is black, 1 is brown, 2 is red, etc. etc. Do not proceed to step 3 until you know the color-code backwards, forwards, and inside-and-out (trust me!)
5/8/2015TT8 Resistor Color Code (cont’d) Step 1: Learn the colors The color 'Gold' is not featured in the above table. If the 3rd band is gold it means multiplying by 0.1. Example, 1.2 5% would be brown-red-gold-gold. 12 multiplied by 0.1 gives 1.2 Don't get confused by gold as a resistance or a tolerance value. Just watch the location/posistion of the band.
5/8/2015TT9 Resistor Color Code (cont’d) Step 2: Learn the tolerances.
5/8/2015TT10 Resistor Color Code (cont’d) Do the exercises below. Colors used for 'Gold, Orange, Gray, and Silver‘ 1st band: Brown (1) 2nd band: Black (0) 3rd band, how many zeros (1) 4th band, tolerance in %: gold (5) Answer: = 100 ohm, 5% tolerance
5/8/2015TT11 Resistor Color Code (cont’d) 1st band: _____ 2nd band: _____ 3rd band: _____ 4th band, tolerance in %: _____ Answer: ___________________
5/8/2015TT12 Resistor Color Code (cont’d) 1st band: _____ 2nd band: _____ 3rd band: _____ 4th band, tolerance in %: _____ Answer: ___________________
5/8/2015TT13 Resistor Color Code (cont’d) 1st band: _____ 2nd band: _____ 3rd band: _____ 4th band, tolerance in %: _____ Answer: ___________________
5/8/2015TT14 Resistor Color Code (cont’d) Here are some mnemonics that you might find less offensive (than one you may have seen): Buffalo Bill Roamed Over Yellow Grass Because Vistas Grand Were God's Sanctuary Bully Brown Ran Over a Yodeling Goat, Because Violet's Granny Was Gone Snorkeling
5/8/2015TT15 Building Simple Resistor Circuits In the course of learning about electricity, you will want to construct your own circuits using resistors and batteries. Some options are available in this matter of circuit assembly, some easier than others. In this section, we will explore a couple of fabrication techniques that will not only help you build the circuits shown in this chapter, but also more advanced circuits.
5/8/2015TT16 Building Simple Resistor Circuits (cont’d) If all we wish to construct is a simple single-battery, single-resistor circuit, we may easily use alligator clip jumper wires like this:
5/8/2015TT17 Building Simple Resistor Circuits (cont’d) If we wanted to build a simple series circuit with one battery and three resistors, the same "point-to-point" construction technique using jumper wires could be applied:
5/8/2015TT18 Building Simple Resistor Circuits (cont’d) This technique, however, proves impractical for circuits much more complex than this, due to the awkwardness of the jumper wires and the physical fragility of their connections. A more common method of temporary construction for the hobbyist is the solderless breadboard, a device made of plastic with hundreds of spring- loaded connection sockets joining the inserted ends of components and/or 22-gauge solid wire pieces.
5/8/2015TT19 Building Simple Resistor Circuits (cont’d) A photograph of a real breadboard is shown here, followed by an illustration showing a simple series circuit constructed on one:
5/8/2015TT20 Building Simple Resistor Circuits (cont’d) Underneath each hole in the breadboard face is a metal spring clip, designed to grasp any inserted wire or component lead. These metal spring clips are joined underneath the breadboard face, making connections between inserted leads.
5/8/2015TT21 Building Simple Resistor Circuits (cont’d) The connection pattern joins every five holes along a vertical column (as shown with the long axis of the breadboard situated horizontally):
5/8/2015TT22 Building Simple Resistor Circuits (cont’d) Thus, when a wire or component lead is inserted into a hole on the breadboard, there are four more holes in that column providing potential connection points to other wires and/or component leads. The result is an extremely flexible platform for constructing temporary circuits.
5/8/2015TT23 Building Simple Resistor Circuits (cont’d) For example, the three-resistor circuit just shown could also be built on a breadboard like this:
5/8/2015TT24 Building Simple Resistor Circuits (cont’d) A parallel circuit is also easy to construct on a solderless breadboard:
5/8/2015TT25 Building Simple Resistor Circuits (cont’d) REVIEW: A solderless breadboard is a device used to quickly assemble temporary circuits by plugging wires and components into electrically common spring-clips arranged underneath rows of holes in a plastic board.