Making Your Students Feel Like A genius ( And maybe you )
What level of maths do I need to survive this session ?
If you understand your times tables can add and subtract one digit numbers Basic knowledge of fractions Can use a calculator (to check if you are really correct and smarter than you think) Want to learn Are willing to approach things positively DO I HAVE TO BE REALLY GOOD AT MATHS TO SURVIVE THIS CLASS ???
Think of a number Double it Add 14 Halve your answer Subtract the original answer Your answer is 7 Solve the answers
Write down a 3 digit number with digits decreasing, eg. 861 Reverse this number and subtract it from the first number Take this answer and add it to the reverse of the number Your answer is 1089 Solve the answers
Using 1089 from before multiply this by ANY 3 digit number How many digits in your answer ? Tell me any 5 of your digits Solve the answers
Write down any 2 1 digit number underneath each other and add them 8 times. Eg When you have done this add the 10 numbers up I need someone to write their number on the board Without the total. I will Guess the total before finish they are finished writing all the number up. Solve the answers
Write down any number from each of the 3 number sets ABC Select any digit from each of the select numbers and enter under Columns headed A, B or C Repeat this till all digits are used. Add up the new 4 3-digit numbers Answer for this total is 2528 Solve the answers
Multiplying 2 digit Numbers Eg x 12 x ADD 11 plus 2 ( = 13) Multiply 1 x 2 ( = 2 ) ANSWE R
Multiplying 2 digit Numbers Eg x 13 x ADD 17 plus 3 ( = 20) Multiply 7 x 3 ( = 21 ) ANSWE R
Squaring a number ending in 5 Eg = 7 x 8 and 5 2 = 56 and 25 = 5625 (N5) 2 = n x (n+1) and 5 2 = n x (n+1) and 25 = n(n+1)25
Squaring a number between 30 and 70 Eg = 27 and 2 2 = 2704 [27 : 25+2] [04:2places for 4] 59 2 = ? 63 2 = ? 59 2 = 34 and 9 2 [34 : 25+9] [81:2places for 81] = = 38 and 13 2 [38 : 25+13] [169:2places for 169] 169 = 38 = 3969
Squaring a number between 30 and 70 Eg = 23 and 2 2 = 2304 [23 : 25-2] [04:2places for 4] 47 2 = ? 39 2 = ? 47 2 = 22 and 3 2 [22 : 25-3] [04:2places for 9] = = 14 and 11 2 [14: 25-11] [121:2places for 121] 121 = 14 = 1521
Squaring a number between 80 and 120 Eg = 106 and 3 2 = [06 : two x 3] [09:2places for 9] = [14 : two x 7] [49:2places for 7x7] = = 124 = ANSWER
Multiplying 2 numbers between 80 and x 98 = 98 ( -2 : less than 100) 97 ( -3 : less than 100) = 9506 [95 : : ] [06:2places for 6] 91 x 97 = 91 ( -9 : less than 100) 97 ( -3 : less than 100) = 8827 [88 : : ] [27:2places for 6] 91 x 97 =
Multiplying 2 numbers between 80 and x 112 = 107 ( 7 : morethan 100) 112 ( 12 : more than 100) = [19 : 7+12 : ] [84: 7 x 12] 103 x 115 = 103 ( 3 : more than 100) 115 ( 15 : more than 100) = [18 : : ] [45 : 3 x 15] 103 x 115 =
Squaring a number between 80 and 120 Eg = 106 and 3 2 = [06 : two x 3] [09:2places for 9] = [14 : two x 7] [49:2places for 7x7] = = 124 = ANSWER
55 times 55 = ??? 55 2 = 5 x 6 and 5 2 = 30 and 25 = 3025
55 times 75 = ??? 55 x 75 = 5 x and 5 2 = 41 and 25 = 4125
Multiplying 2 mixed numbers with the same units and fractions adding to 1 ANSWER
Multiplying a number ending in digits that add to 10 Eg 75 x 75 = 7 x 8 and 5 x 5 = 56 and 25 = 5625 (as before) 84 x 86 = ? 84 x 86 = 8 x 9 and 4 x 6 = 72 and 24 = 7224
Squaring 2 digit numbers Eg 73 2 = 76 x = = 5329 or 73 2 = (70 x 3) = (210) + 9 = 5329 (ab) 2 = (a+b)(a-b) + b 2 or (ab) 2 = a 2 + 2(a+b) + b 2
Thank you and Have a great holiday