Standards & Best Practices Committee
Committee re-energized and began meeting again last Fall. Dave Thomas, AIDS Foundation of Chicago and Beth Epstein, DuPage PADS are the co-chairs of S&BP Committee. Working on two main areas: Outcomes or Results of Supportive Housing to recommend to the Budgeting for Results Commission AND Best Practices for Supportive Housing Service delivery.
Budgeting for Results is a new spending reform effort that will require state government to make spending decisions based on the production and performance of programs. Results, performance and value will be the driving forces behind how to spend tax dollars. The BFR Commission has developed seven draft results with a few goals underneath each result. Will develop sub-goals underneath each goal that programs will be held to achieving in order to obtain and maintain state funding. S&BP decided we should develop these sub-goals or results for the SH industry.
S&BP Committee gathered input from committee members about current results or outcomes that were required by various funding sources. Compiled a list of potential results in Supportive Housing. Committee has reviewed the potential list and needs your input. Break up into small groups and discuss the proposed results located in your packet.
S&BP will recommend results to the BFR Commission. This is important work, vital to the future of supportive housing funding. If you would like to join the Standards & Best Practices Committee, which meets on the fourth Monday of the month at 10am, simply fill out the form in your packet and give it to a SHPA staff member.