The Gilded Age America from
Key Definitions Gilded: covered with gold on the outside but made of cheaper material inside. Social Darwinism: the idea that society progresses and gets better because only the fittest people survive. Philanthropy: literally “love of humankind,” it means doing good things for others. Individualism: the belief that anyone can rise in society if they work hard enough.
Why was it called the Gilded Age? Because, although there were lots of really great things happening (new inventions, industrial growth, skyscrapers), there were a lot of rotten things going on underneath (corruption, poverty, crime).
Social Darwinism This idea, combined with the idea of individualism, led to the idea that if a person or group of people were not successful, it was just that they were not the strongest and that was the natural way of things. The Gospel of Wealth was a kinder version of this, with the rich and successful called on to use their fortunes to help the less fortunate by building hospitals, libraries, schools, etc.
A Changing Culture Realism Popular Culture The Saloon Amusement Parks and Sports Vaudeville and Ragtime
Politics in Washington Assassination of President Garfield Opposed to the “spoils system” His killer wanted jobs This led to Civil Service reform The Election of 1887 Interstate Commerce Commission Tariffs Republicans Regain Power The McKinley Tariff The Sherman Antitrust Act
The Rebirth of Reform