Prepositions of Place/Location/Direction “The English language website where everything has sound!”
next tobesideby The pail is next to (beside, by) the ladder.
behind in back of He is sitting behind (in back of) the books.
in front of She is sitting in front of her computer.
underbelowunderneathbeneath The chair is under (below, underneath, beneath) the umbrella.
overabove The light bulb is over (above) his head.
onon top of The mouse is on (on top of) the skateboard.
after The little snails are after the biggest snail.
inwithininside The fortune is in (inside, within) the fortune cookie.
among The red hearts are among the white hearts.
at She is at the gas station.
between The books are between the man and the woman.
along The buildings are along the water.
out ofoutside He is working out of (outside) his office.
nearnearby The dog is near (nearby) the cat.
up He is looking up.
down The dog is down on the ground.
against He is leaning against the tree.
beyond The cookies in front are beyond his reach.
around They are sitting around the table.
The End “The English language website where everything has sound!”