17. decline [dI`klaIn] vt. to refuse a request or offer, usually politely 拒絕,謝絕 I declined his invitation to dinner with thanks. * decline = refuse =


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Presentation transcript:

17. decline [dI`klaIn] vt. to refuse a request or offer, usually politely 拒絕,謝絕 I declined his invitation to dinner with thanks. * decline = refuse = turn down 拒絕

18. consciousness [`kAnS1snIs] n. [U] the condition of being able to think, feel, understand what is happening, etc. 知覺, 感覺 The victim did not recover consciousness until three hours after the accident. 詞類變化

conscious [`kAnS1s] adj. 清醒的, 有知覺的 He hurt his head in the accident, but he was still conscious enough to answer questions. * Adj / Adv enough to V … 得足以 …

continue [k1n`tInj5] vt.; vi. to go on speaking again after a pause or interruption; to make (something) go on 繼續說;繼續 After crying for a while, she continued speaking. Are you going to continue with your music lessons through the summer? 19. 詞類變化 * continue = go on 繼續 * for a while 一會兒

continuous [k1n`tInj51s] adj. 連續不斷的,不間斷的 The brain needs a continuous supply of blood. continual [k1n`tInj51l] adj. 連續不斷的 ( 僅有短暫的間歇 ) He has continual arguments with his father.

20. wheel [hwil] vt. to move (something) on a vehicle with circular objects which are fixed underneath it and which enable it to move along the ground 用 ( 推車 ) 推 In the park, I saw a young lady wheeling a child in a baby carriage. 詞類變化 * baby carriage 娃娃車

wheel [hwil] n. [C] 輪子,車輪 The heavy table has wheels underneath which enable people to move it at will. * at will 隨意地

21. emergency [I`m3dZ1nsI] adj. which is intended for use in an unexpected or dangerous situation, especially an accident 緊急的 They escaped through an emergency exit and called the police. 詞類變化 * emergency exit 太平門 ; 逃生門 * call the police 報警

emergency [I`m3dZ1nsI] n. [C][U] 突發事件;緊急狀況 The bells are only used in emergencies.

22. burly [`b3lI] adj. (of a person) strongly and heavily built 粗壯的, 強壯的 A burly man picked up the injured woman and rushed her to the hospital. * pick up 搭載

23. allergic [1`l3dZIk] adj. related to or suffering from a condition of being unusually sensitive to something eaten, breathed in, or touched 過敏的 I have to keep away from cats because I am allergic to their fur. 詞類變化 * am allergic to 對 … 過敏

allergy [`8l2dZI] n. [C] 過敏反 應,過敏症 My baby sister has an allergy to certain milk products. * have an allergy to 對 … 過敏

operate [`Ap1&ret] vi. to cut open the body in order to set right or remove a diseased part, usually in a special room in a hospital 開 刀,動手術 The surgeon operated on my uncle for stomach cancer. 24. 詞類變化 * operate on 對 … 動手術

operation [&Ap1`reS1n] n. [C] 開刀,外科手術 Charles was slowly recovering from an operation on his arm. * recover from = get over 復元

skill [skIl] n. [C][U] a type of work or activity which requires special training and knowledge; the ability to do something well, especially because of training, practice, etc. 技巧,技能;能力,本事 Learning a new language required the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It takes great skill to make such a beautiful dress. 25. 詞類變化 * It takes + N + to V… 需要 … 的條件去做 …

skillful [`skIlf1l] adj. 熟練的 Parents complain that nowadays children are not skillful at using chopsticks.

fully [`f5lI] adv. completely; thoroughly 完全地;充實地 He has not fully recovered from the operation. He is still very weak. 26. 詞類變化 * fully = completely = thoroughly 完全地

full [f5l] adj. 完全的;充實的 The adventurer led a full life. He had had every kind of experience. * lead a … life 過 … 的生活

4. paramedic [&p8r1`mEdIk] n. [C] a person whose training is similar to that of a nurse and who helps to do medical work 救護人員 * be similar to 類似於 … * that 代替前面已出現之單數名詞, 後面 通常有由介係詞所引導的形容詞片語.

5. emergency room [I`m3dZ1nsI rum] n. [C] the part of a hospital that takes care of sick or injured people who need immediate attention 急診室 * take care of 照顧

5. take place : to happen 發生,進 行 You had better finish your report as soon as possible. The meeting will take place in five minutes. * as … as possible = as … as one can 儘可能

6. take a deep breath : to take a lot of air into one’s lungs 深呼吸 Taking a deep breath, she dived into the cold water.

7. thanks to : because of 幸虧;由於 Thanks to everybody’s efforts, the concert was a big success. * thanks to = because of 因為