Aflac Online Services Training Presented by Damien Stanley
AFLAC Online Website Online Applications Rates Brochures Claim Forms
How To Get There Point your web browser to: If you don’t know your username and password, please call , or send an to
Login Screen
Agent Area - Home
How To Get To The Brochures & Rates 1. From the Agent Area, click on the link “Product Information” 2. Select which state you wish to see, a click the “Go” button. 3. You simply then choose from the product list, Accident, Cancer, Dental, or PRP by clicking on the link. 4. The product info page contains a brief summary, with rates below (all product issue range), and brochures directly below that.
How To Get & Handle Claims Forms 1. From the Agent Area – Home screen, click on “Claims Assistance” from the top left of the screen. 2. All instructions and claims forms can be download and/or viewed from the Claims Assistance page.
Submitting Applications Online There are two ways of doing business with AFLAC. 1. Create & Submit the application online. 2. Create the application online, but print and mail after required signatures are collected. Both follow the same procedures until the very end, so the first sets of instructions are the same for both.
Submitting Applications Online Step 1 1. Click on the “Create Application” link located on the left side of the Agent Area home page. 2. Select the state for which the application is for, and click the “Go” button. The only time you will have more than one state in the menu is if you submitted a non- resident license when you first contracted with AFLAC.
Submitting Applications Online Step 2 You are now on the Application Information screen. 1. Select the type of application by click on the down arrow next to the menu. 2. Fill out the form for you client, and if the spouse is applying, fill out the appropriate information as well. 3. When done, click the “Continue” button.
Submitting Applications Online Step 3 A new window now open asking about the billing type, coverage type, coverage level, billing mode, if the policy is new/conversion, is it replacing any accident insurance. Depending on what type of application (accident, cancer, etc.) the screens will display in a different order. Simply fill in the information, and click the “Continue” button for each screen.
Things to Know About Billing Types There are 3 types of billing types available to your clients. 1. Bank Draft 2. Credit Card 3. Direct Monthly premium mode is available with Bank Draft & Credit Card but not Direct. Also with Direct, you must submit the initial premium with the application.
Submitting Applications Online Step 4 – Underwriting Data The underwriting questions on the application are all knock out questions. If your client will answer “Yes” to any of the questions, it is a good idea not to submit the application. 1. Simply select “Yes” or “No” from the menu, and click the “continue” button to answer the question and move on.
Submitting Applications Online Step 5 – Submission Type 1. Select either Web (online and client is there with you) submission or paper (mail), and click continue. 2. Depending on whether you selected Web or Paper, there will be either 1 or 2 boxes on the next screen. 3. If you choose web, there will be 2 boxes, the top box “Associate” is where the agent signs, while your client signs in the box below entitled “Applicant”.
Submitting Applications Online Step 5 – Submission Type If you choose paper, there would only be one box, where you, the agent, would sign. To sign click in the box and sign your name with the mouse. If you mess up, double click the box to erase. 1. Click the “continue” button to proceed. 2. On the Submission… screen click submit, even if you are doing the paper application. 3. Be patient as your application generates.
Finishing Up Once the “Application Complete” screen loads there will be 2 links. 1. Application 2. Outline of Coverage
Paper Based Submission 1. Open up the application, by click on the link. 2. Print the application. 3. Collect the required signatures. 4. If direct payment was chosen, initial premium check needs to be with application. Checks need to be made payable to AFLAC. No cash, money orders, or agency checks. 5. Mail to the address on the first page of the application.
Web Based Submission 1. Open up application, by click on the link. 2. Write down the “Application Passcode” on the 1 st page at the very top. 3. Minimize the application 4. Minimize the “Application Complete” screen. 5. Click on “return to main” underneath the continue button on the “Application Information” screen. 6. Your newly created application should be located underneath “Applications – Electronic”. Click the “Authorize” link, and type in the application passcode to submit.
Web Based Submission Continued Its important to note that if that last step is not complete, and you don’t type in the application passcode, your application will never be submitted. You will know when the application is submitted because it will be moved underneath your Application – Archive when successful.
Questions? We encourage you to create all the Paper application you want to practice and get accustomed to the system. If you have any questions at all over the material on this slide, please call , and ask for Damien. Or you can send me an at