Chapter 12: Historical Fiction “The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see.”-Winston Churchill
Why should it be included? *Helps students learn historical facts *Helps students see history as a meaningful subject *Allows them to see their present as part of a living past *They learn that our way of life is a result of problems and solutions from the past.
History Textbooks vs. History Trade Books *History texts need to cover too much content. *There’s no bridge from topic to topic *To bring readability down, the text gets “watered” *Improvement= less print and more illustrations *The texts are missing the people *They can not provide a variety of perspectives
Trade Books *Most importantly– they provide multiple perspectives -this allows for more critical thinking -encourages discussion, debates and questions
Rules: *Must be set in the past *Main characters are usually fictional -often “rub shoulders” with prominent people *Can be a make believe plot set in a real place and time *Can be focused around a famous historical event
What makes GOOD Historical Fiction? *Truth was dealt with- no sugar coating *History facts are accurate *Historical period comes to life *History through young eyes- protagonist *Don’t overdo the historical detail
Types of Historical Fiction 1.Story of historical events happening before the life of the author 2.Contemporary novel that becomes historical fiction with the passage of time 3.Authors chronicle their own life stories in a fictional format 4.Protagonist travels back into history 5.Novel speculates about alternative historical outcomes