Driver Education Introduction to driving in New Jersey Notes
At the age of 17 you may get your driver’s license in the State of New Jersey This is a privilege and not your right!!! You must earn it and be responsible to keep it!!!
THE FACTS 1 in 9 teenagers get into an automobile crashes every year. Space is so important, keep distance between vehicles to prevent tailgating crashes Your vision is the most important sense you use when driving. Visibility - what you see when behind the wheel Time - being able to judge your speed and the speed of others.
The Escape Path Is an area to the right where you can find relief from a conflict
Driving Tips NJ law requires directional (turn signal) to be used 100 feet in advance of a turn Check rearview mirror every 8 seconds Hand positioning - hands are to be on the upper one - half of the steering wheel for better control (9 and 3 on a clock)
Overdriving your Headlights This means you are driving too fast for your lights to illuminate the area ahead. Correction - slow down Low beams feet High beams feet
Following Distance Rules Car length - leave one car length for every 10 mph of speed traveling. Example 50 mph = 5 car lengths The 3 second plus rule - when approaching a stationary object, you begin to count 1001, 1002, 1003 etc… if you get to the object (mailbox, telephone pole) before you count to 1003, you are to close. SLOW DOWN
WHEN TO USE YOUR LIGHTS New Jersey law requires all motorist to turn a vehicle’s headlights on whenever windshield wipers are in use. Headlights must also be used one-half hour before sunset and one-half hour after sunrise, during rain, snow or ice storms, and when fog or smoke is present.
Left Lane Law States that you can not drive in the left lane for an extended period of time because it is used for passing only. New Jersey law states that you should keep to the right except when passing, $500 fine
Fighting Fatigue ( Fatigue is usually temporary and easy to overcome) BEFORE DRIVING Get rest Avoid fatty foods Never drink alcohol and drive WHILE DRIVING Roll down the window and get a flow of fresh air Sunglasses to avoid sun and/or snow glare Turn on radio Stop regularly and get out of car and do some light exercises
New Jersey Insurance Rates The highest in the United States The average cost of insurance for a new, inexperienced driver is $
What affects insurance rate? B average or higher in school (5%-10% discount) Training behind the wheel (BTW) 6 hours possible 10%- 20% discount. How many people will drive the vehicle in household. Ages of driver(s) Storage of the vehicle 6 points or more a year means an insurance surcharge. Make, model, trim, color, doors, engine size. New or used vehicle Married or single status How many miles to & from work or school
Intrastate Definition It is a highway which travels through the entire state. It DOES NOT travel from state to state.
Interstate Definition An interstate is a highway that travels through each state. It travels from state to state. It connects the states.
Interstate Numbering If the number on the highway sign is odd, it means the road goes north and south. If the number on the highway is even, it means the road goes east and west.
Interstate Rules continued Interstate numbers range from 4 to 99. The greater the even number the farther north you are. The greater the odd number the farther east you are. The lesser the even number the farther south you are. The lesser the odd number the farther west you are.
Interstate Exit Numbers (do not copy) The States use one of two methods of numbering the Interstate interchange exits. The Consecutive numbering system -- Starting at the most westerly or southerly point on each Interstate route, interchanges are numbered consecutively. Thus the first interchange becomes Interchange #1. Each succeeding interchange is numbered consecutively as #2, 3, 4. The Milepost numbering system -- All Interstate routes are mile posted beginning at the most westerly or southerly point. The beginning point is milepost '0'. If the first interchange on the route is located between milepost 4.0 and 5.0, it is numbered as Interchange #4. The next interchange, if located at milepost 8.7, would be numbered as Interchange #8, etc. With this system the motorist can easily determine the location and distance to a desired interchange.
FYI Information (do not copy) Longest Interstate Routes I-90Seattle, WA to Boston, MA3, miles I-80San Francisco, CA to Teaneck, NJ2, miles Shortest (2-Digit) Interstate Routes: I-97Annapolis to Baltimore, MD17.62 miles Interstate Routes through the most States: I-95FL,GA,SC,NC,VA,DC,MD,DE,PA,NJ,NY,CT,RI,MA,NH,ME 16 States I-90WA,ID,MT,WY,SD,MN,WI,IL,IN,OH,PA,NY,MA13 States I-80CA,NV,UT,WY,NE,IA,IL,IN,OH,PA,NJ11 States East-West Transcontinental Routes: I-10Los Angeles, CA to Jacksonville, FL2, miles I-80San Francisco, CA to Teaneck, NJ2, miles I-90Seattle, WA to Boston, MA3, miles North-South Transcontinental Routes: I-95Miami, FL to Houlton, ME1, miles