Trimester 3 Concepts & Vocabulary 6 th Grade
Color Primary –Red, blue, yellow –Used to create ALL other colors Secondary –Green, orange, violet –A mixture of two primary colors
Complementary Colors Colors directly across from each other on the color wheel Make each other look brighter – strongest contrast between colors Mix together to create a dark neutral (gray or brown)
Warm & Cool Colors Warm –Yellow, orange, red –Associated with warm things, happy, vibrant –Come forward Cool –Blue, green, violet –Associated with cold things, sad, calm –Move back
Create Mood
Space How shapes are arranged in art work creates a sense of space Artists use space to create a composition (good use of space) Artists use specific things to create the sense of space (depth) in art work
Ways to Create the Illusion of Space Overlapping Size Placement Linear Perspective Shading Color & Detail Change (Aerial Perspective)
Overlapping – Drawing objects so parts are blocked by other objects, one will appear to be in front of the other
Placement – Objects higher on the picture plane appear to be farther away
Shading – Adding value and shadow to create the illusion of form
Size – Smaller objects will appear to be farther away than larger objects
Perspective Aerial Perspective – Change in color and level of detail – Farther away objects are lighter in color and less detailed than closer objects
Linear Perspective – Using a vanishing point and horizon line to create the illusion of distance, particularly useful with buildings
Steps for Creative Problem Solving Think Plan Do