NS 1.1 Compare and order positive and negative fractions, decimals, and mixed numbers and place them on a number line Objective: Discover how the ordering for negative numbers differs from ordering positive numbers Learning target: Answer at least 3 of the 4 comparing fraction and decimal questions correctly on the exit ticket.
How do we compare numbers using a number line? The farther to the right a number is, the greater it is. -5 < -2 < 0 < 3 < 5 Therefore, when comparing a positive and a negative number, ____________________ the positive number is always greater.
How do we compare negative numbers? The closer a negative is to 0, the greater it is (since it is farther to the right).
, or = > is closer to 0 than -5 is, so > -0.5
Order from least to greatest: is the least -3 is the second least 0 is the third least 9 is the greatest
Which letter(s) can we eliminate right away? How do you know these letter(s) cannot be correct?