Welcome to the MathScience Innovation Center “LEGO Machines and Energy” and Energy” with Mrs. Kappus
b Compound Machine is a machine made of two or more simple machines. a machine made of two or more simple machines.
Remote Controlled MACHINES
SIMPLE MACHINES b Work = Force X Distance
SIMPLE MACHINES b Energy is the ability to do work.is the ability to do work.
LAPTOP COMPUTER b The Laptop Computer runs software: ROBOLABROBOLAB
LAPTOP COMPUTER b The mouse is used to move ____________________
LAPTOP COMPUTER b The mouse is used to move The CURSORThe CURSOR
LAPTOP COMPUTER A Picture of an object on a computer is _____ an ICON
REMOTE CONTROL DEVICE b The Gray Cube is a _____
REMOTE CONTROL DEVICE b The Gray Cube is a. b The Gray Cube is a MOTOR. b The motor uses what type of energy to move? ELECTRICITY
REMOTE CONTROL DEVICE b The Yellow BRICK is an RCX Brick which contains a computer. b The Brick uses what type of energy to run? ELECTRICITY b The RCX Bricks will control the Car when we are done. we are done.
ASSEMBLE REMOTE CONTROL CAR b Mount Motor b Gears b Mount RCX Brick b Test Car with Program #1
RECAP b WORK = Force x Distance b ENERGY is the ability to do work b Energy can be potential or kinetic b The Brick will release the same energy every time doing the same work every timedoing the same work every time b Will the car always go the same distance?
Experiment b Begin with a question. b Will the car travel farther on the track or on the carpet surface?
EXPERIMENT b Hypothesis
EXPERIMENT b Hypothesis-An educated guess or a prediction
EXPERIMENT b Hypothesis b The car will travel farther on the ________.
EXPERIMENT b Hypothesis b Constant
EXPERIMENT Constant-parts of the experiment that stay the sameConstant-parts of the experiment that stay the same
EXPERIMENT b Hypothesis b Constant b Variable
EXPERIMENT Variable-the factors in an experiment that change.Variable-the factors in an experiment that change.
Mechanical Advantage Diagram used with permission from: EngQuest2010 and Engineers Australia
Towing the load without a simple machine
Towing the load with a pulley
Force investigation