RHIC Status Time Meeting 2/10/2015 Then said to us: "You can no farther go Forward upon this crag, because is lying All shattered, at the bottom, the sixth arch. X-arc. Can you tune around it?
RHIC Status/To Do List Last week – Still wrapping up hardware installations – Two day interruption for X-arc transformer (some yellow only operation overnight) – Spurious RF events Rebucketing set up (and beautiful) Ramp/rebucket stable to 2.0e11/bunch – Not for collision yet Yellow aperture scan looks promising for p-Au
RHIC Status/To Do List Delivering stores by default now with scheduled interruption – So far only 1.1e11/bunch Brief no-beam period tomorrow to do final test of e-lens warm magnets. – Electron beam commissioning to start this week Lumi ~30% of Run 12, polarization in the 60’s. – Polarization will change with intensity – Continue to work on end-of-ramp losses and store lifetime