INSTITUTION: Institute for Building Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture in Warsaw (IBMER), Poznan Branch; 4 branches: Kłudzienko, Poznań, Gdańsk, Tylicz TYPE: research and education GENERAL DIRECTOR: Andrzej Myczko, Assist.Prof ADDRESS: 67 Biskupińska Str., Poznań, Poland tel./fax no: / DISCIPLINE: agricultural engineering, mechanization of agriculture, environment protection, infrastructure of rural areas KEYWORDS: agricultural engineering, animal production, crop production, gaseous emissions TRAGEN Centre of Excellence TRAGEN Transfer of Knowledge in Agricultural Engineering TRAGEN
Research focus of the Centre: 1.Improvement, development and implementation of modern techniques and technologies used in agricultural engineering. 2.Development of scientific basis enabling implementation of the principles of sustainable agriculture. 3.Development of environmentally friendly methods of agricultural production. 4.Integration with the ERA and other Centres of Excellence in order to improve planning and realization of research projects. TRAGEN
Polish research projects currently run in the Centre: Heat recovery from animal buildings Reduction in Greenhouse Gases (GHG) Emissions from Agriculture Animal Keeping Systems Animals Building Animals Welfare Best Available Technologies (BATs) for intensive animal production TRAGEN
Laboratories & experiments laboratory of milking machines laboratory of droppings fermentation heat recovery system improving pigs' welfare and reducing ammonia emissions alternative housing system for laying hens solar failure – free ventilation unit TRAGEN
IBMER - a publisher of reviewed journals "Prace Naukowe IBMER" - ang. Research Works of IBMER "Problemy Inżynierii Rolniczej" – ang. Problems of Agricultural Engineering "Przegląd Dokumentacyjny" – ang. Abstract Journal TRAGEN
In CoE TRAGEN there are: Accredited Body for Product Certification Accredited Testing Laboratory Accredited Inspection Body for Heat Treatment and Milking Machines TRAGEN
Scientific co-operation: TRAGEN at national and international levels
Eliminating Agricultural Risks to Health and Environment 112 members from 14 countries Research Meetings Dissemination of knowledge TRAGEN As a result of international scientific cooperation the Scientific Network AGRORISKS was established by TRAGEN in 2002.
Agricultural emission inventories – establishing and applying methods of the UN ECE and IPCC guidance to accession countries. Bilateral contract. Germany Validation and filling gaps of NH 3 and PM emission factors of diary cows. Bilateral contract. Germany Influence of different types of litter in turkey barns on animal behavior, air quality and airborne emission. Bilateral contract. Germany Educational Kit for Young Farmers in Candidate Countries - YOUTH-FARM. Leonardo da Vinci. Cyprus PROJECTS TRAGEN
Utilization of renewable energy sources. Mechanization of crop production. Modern technologies in crop production. Hungary Energy saving technologies in agricultural production with regards of renewable energy sources. Russia Mechanization of animal production. Usage of polymers for machines for agriculture. Electrochemical protection of evaporators in sugar industry against lime deposits. Ukraine Strategy of utilization of renewable energy sources in rural areas in Poland and Lithuania. PROJECTS cont. TRAGEN