Unit 1, Lesson 6 “The Legend of Damon and Pythias”
Objectives: You will: recognize base or root words and prefix and suffix. Practice recognizing when the letter c makes the /k/ sound. Practice recognizing vivid nouns that refer to groups of people Develop fluency reading words and sentences. Recognize words with the short sound
Word Knowledge – Words Unit 1 - Lesson 6 Line 1:astonish astonished astonishment Line 2:punish punishing punishment Line 3:appoint appointed appointment What do these words have in common? Suffix _ed = in the past _ment= the act or process of___
Line 4:country coins cried could crowd cruel What do these words have in common? The k sound made with c is followed by the vowel a,o, u or any consonant except h.
Line 5: tyrant champion prisoner traitor What do these words have n common? Types of people. This is good descriptive nouns to make your writing more interesting.
Line 6: struggle robbers last prison tell What do these words have in common? Short vowel sounds a, e, I, o, u.
Sentence 1: When Damon heard that his friend Pythias had been thrown into prison, and the severe punishment that was to follow, he was heartbroken. Sentence 2: I’ll tell him that if you do not return by the appointed day, he may kill me, in your place. Sentence 3: The King of that country was a cruel tyrant. Identify words with suffix or inflectional endings. Punishment, appointed
Sentence 1: When Damon heard that his friend Pythias had been thrown into prison, and the severe punishment that was to follow, he was heartbroken. Sentence 2: I’ll tell him that if you do not return by the appointed day, he may kill me, in your place. Sentence 3: The King of that country was a cruel tyrant. Identify a word with a K sound spelt with c Country Identify a word for a type of person. tyrant
Word Knowledge – Sentences Unit 1 – Lesson 6 Sentence 4: When robbers get caught stealing, they go to prison. Identify words with a short vowel sound.
Vocabulary Words tyrant traitor rebel honorable appointed
The King of the country was a cruel tyrant. Throughout history, people have suffered under the harsh laws of tyrants.
tyrant (n.) a harsh, unjust ruler When the tyrant learned his people had wheat, he decided to take it all for the royal family.
rebel Why didn’t the people rebel? At long last, the people rose up to rebel against the unjust laws.
rebel (v.) to resist a ruler’s power He will rebel against the king because of his unfair decisions.
appointed Have they appointed you their champion? Travis was appointed Most Valuable Player after the game.
appointed (v.) to name officially They appointed him to be in charge of the committee.
traitor I consider him a traitor, but I’m certain he’s no fool. Every country has harsh laws against anyone who is a traitor.
traitor (n.) someone who betrays another’s trust The man was a traitor to his country.
honorable To be an honorable person, Still, would an honorable man like Pythias let such a good friend die for him? To be an honorable person, one must always try to do the right thing.
honorable (adj.) deserving of honor or respect Their judge made an honorable decision.
Spelling Words (review of short vowels) brand candy plan hobby best read us top jump sent tell prison last robbers struggle
Day 1: Prior Knowledge What stories do you know of the show trust and loyalty between true friends? What sorts of actions indicate trust and loyalty between friends? How is reading a play different from other types of reading? What are the characteristics of plays? Performed live with actors, costumes, and stage sets.
Build Background This story takes place in ancient Sicily, an island off the coast of Italy. You may notice the differences between the way the characters lived and the way people live today. This story is based on a famous Greek myth. Myths are often remembered and passed down because the characters in them demonstrate qualities that people admire. Many myths are fictional, but some are based on actual events or real people. Damon and Phthias were real people who lived more than two thousand years ago.
Preview and Prepare Selection Vocabulary Let’s browse through the story looking for any clues, problems, and wonderings you might have about the story. Selection Vocabulary
Student Observation Clues Problems Wonderings One narrator How do character Damon and seems to be Phthias in trouble become models With the king. of true friendship.
First Read pages 94-100 We are going to read our selection using these comprehension strategies: Monitoring and Adjusting Reading Speed: sometimes it is necessary to slow down and reread in order to understand information. Asking Questions Summarizing
Language Arts Nouns Nouns name everything. Nouns are words that name people, places, things, and ideas Example: boy zoo balloons time Common nouns name any person, place thing, or idea. Common nouns start with a lowercase letter Example: girl , park, skyscraper, nationality
Proper nouns name specific persons, places, things, or ideas Proper nouns name specific persons, places, things, or ideas. They start with a capital letter. Example: Megan, Yellowstone Park, Sears Tower, Cuban.
Language Arts: Pronouns Objective: Understand and identify singular and plural nouns. Purpose: To understand what we read and to write better sentences.
What in the world is a Pronoun? Let’s Review the definition of a pronoun! Pronouns = words that take the place of a noun. Refer to people or things Examples: Olivia loves to swim. She loves to swim. The Lions won the game. They won the game
Singular and Plural Pronouns Pronouns can be singular or plural. Can you think of examples before I show you? Singular Plural Singular Plural I, me, you, he, him, she, her, it We, us, they, them, you
Pronouns Subject Object Possessive Boy he him his Girl she her hers Self I me my mine Thing it it its Other person you you your yours Self plus group we us our, ours Group they them their, theirs
Language Convention Action Verbs There are different types of verbs. An action verb tells about an action of something or someone in a sentence. Action can be seen or unseen. Example: Seen action: The dog ran all the way home. Unseen action: Alex forgot his library book.
State –of-being verb A state-of-being verb does not tell about an action. It tells about a condition or a state of being. Example: Our friends were here for a visit.
Linking verb When a state-of-being verb connects the subject of the sentence with a word in the predicate, the verb is a linking verb. Example: I am a student. My aunt is a teacher. You are a good cook. John was helpful with the baby.
Verb phrase A verb phrase is one or more helping verbs followed by the main verb. Helping verbs help the main verb express an action or state of being. Example: She has won the race. Helping verb + main verb She could have won the race. Two helping verbs + main verb
Language Art: Subject and Predicate Rain is falling. Rain is the subject; the predicate is is falling; it tells what the rain is doing. Riley is the tallest in the class. What is the subject? Who or what the sentence is about. Riley What is the predicate? What the subject is or is doing. is the tallest.
Ending Punctuation Workbook page 49-50 Declarative= (.) gives information Imperative= (.) gives a command or made requests. Interrogative= (?) ask questions. Exclamatory =(!) strong emotions. Did you see that man___ Stop moving around and sit down___ People can be friends at school___ Help me___
Objectives: Day 2 You will: recognize base or root words and prefix and suffix. Practice recognizing when the letter c makes the /k/ sound. Practice recognizing vivid nouns that refer to groups of people Develop fluency reading words and sentences. Recognize words with the short sound
Practice words and make sentences Line 1:astonish astonished astonishment Line 2:punish punishing punishment Line 3:appoint appointed appointment Line 4:country coins cried could crowd cruel Line 5: tyrant champion prisoner traitor Line 6: struggle robbers last prison tell
Day 2 First Read pages 101-109 We are going to read our selection using these comprehension strategies: Monitoring and Adjusting Reading Speed: sometimes it is necessary to slow down and reread in order to understand information. Asking Questions Summarizing
Discussing the Selection How did the King’s ideas change by the end of the story? Why did they change? How did you feel about the King’s actions? How did you feel about the actions of Damon and Phthias? Why were the friends willing to sacrifice so much for each other?
Language Arts Change the underlined noun to a pronoun. Kelly has a cat. She has a cat. I told Min he could go, but Min didn’t want to go. He didn’t want to go.
Types of Verbs action or state-of-being Eat Action Be State-of-being Want Read Play Am
Objectives: Day 3 You will:. Spelling sound long o. Develop fluency reading words and sentences. Use comprehension skill sequence as you read the second time.
Phonics and Fluency Ago open only moment crow Long vowel sound spelled o and _ow Flow stow window home throne Long o sound spelled _ow and o_e Alone broke oak goat toast Long o sound spelled o_e and _oa_ Coach approach doe foe woe Long o sound spelled _oa_ and _oe
Tomorrow we will reach our goal. We will se the ocean when we get to the coast. Identify the long o sound spellings. Tomorrow, goal, ocean, coast. One day a soldier overheard Pythias speaking against a new law the King had proclaimed. Identify the words with the long o sound spelling Soldier, overheard, proclaimed
Dictation line 1: ________ ________ ________ Challenge Word: ___________________ Sentence:_________________________ _________________________________
Understanding Sequence Sequence: Things happen in order. We put food in our mouths, chew it, and swallow it.
Clues: Sometimes writers give clues about order Clues: Sometimes writers give clues about order. They use words such as first, next, then, and finally.
Randy wanted to make a bed for his kitten. First he went to his room Randy wanted to make a bed for his kitten. First he went to his room. Then he found a shoe box and an old T-shirt. Next he cut a hole in the box. Finally, he folded the shirt to fit inside the box.
Sometimes a story does not have clue words Sometimes a story does not have clue words. You must use what you already know to tell the order.
The plane landed at the airport The plane landed at the airport. Ann and her mother got off the plane and saw Uncle Irving waiting for them, Uncle Irving drove Ann and her mother to his house. He showed them his garden and the greenhouse he had made.
What happened first? What happened next? What happened then? What happened finally?
As you read look for clue words. Such as first, next, then and finally As you read look for clue words. Such as first, next, then and finally. If there are no clue words, use what you already know and ask yourself these question.
What happened first? What happened next? What happened then? What happened finally?
Mrs. Lee thought her house looked old Mrs. Lee thought her house looked old. “It needs a paint job” she thought. Mrs. Lee decided to paint her house. First, she bought some bright red paint and some white paint. Next, she got a big brush. Then she began to paint. She painted the house red. She painted the front door and roof white. Finally, she called her friends. She wanted them to see her beautiful house.
What happened first? What happened next? What happened then? What happened finally?
Day 5… General Review and test time