Historical Parallels to the Russian Revolution Animal Farm Historical Parallels to the Russian Revolution
Mr. Jones Czar Nicholas II The ineffective leader of Manor Farm prior to the animal rebellion Cruel and oppressive in his treatment of the animals Czar Nicholas II The ineffective leader of Russia prior to the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution Cruel and oppressive with his own people and especially with political opponents
Old Major Karl Marx Originator of the ideas of Animalism Dies prior to animal rebellion Karl Marx Originator of the ideas of Communism Dies prior to the 1917 Revolution
Animalism Communism All animals are equal to one another Animals own everything and govern themselves “Four legs good, two legs bad!” Communism All people are equal to one another Government owns everything; “the people” are the government “Workers of the world unite!”
Snowball Escaped from Animal Farm after losing a power struggle with Napoleon Went into exile on neighboring farm Wanted to improve life for all animals (reading, windmill, etc.) Leon Trotsky Escaped from Russia after losing a power struggle with Stalin Went into exile in Mexico; found and murdered by KGB agents Wanted to improve life for all Russians
Napoleon Joseph Stalin Emerges as the leading power on Animal Farm Greedy and power hungry (milk and apples, not working, etc.) Responsible for the deaths of many animals, including Boxer The book’s most obvious symbol of tyranny and warning against the abuses of power Joseph Stalin Emerges as the leading power in Russia Greedy and power hungry Responsible for the deaths of millions of his fellow citizens A symbol of tyranny and a warning against abuses of power
Propaganda Department Squealer Controlled both access to information and the information itself Provided the public face for Napoleon’s government Carefully shaped Napoleon’s image Benefited from the controlled education system Propaganda Department Controlled both access to information and the information itself Provided the public face of the government Carefully shaped Stalin’s image Benefited from the controlled education system
The Dogs KGB – Secret Police Enforced obedience to Napoleon Deeply feared for their ability to carry out the most terrible of orders Forced support of Napoleon Attacked and killed animals (confession scene) Very loyal to Napoleon KGB – Secret Police The Enforcer of the Communist Party Deeply feared for their ability to carry out the most terrible of orders Forced support of Stalin Often killed entire families for disobedience Very loyal to Stalin
Moses Talks of Sugar Candy Mountain as the animals’ heaven which helps divert attention away from their present misery because a better future awaits Napoleon eventually supports the return of Moses to keep the animals working Religion According to Marx, religion spread lies in order to make people do their work without complaint Stalin tolerated religion in order to help prevent violent revolutions and keep the masses working
Boxer (and the other “dumb” animals) Always supported Napoleon on faith alone Loyal to Napoleon despite obvious evidence that he was a tyrant Betrayed by Napoleon who sold him to the knacker to be killed The Proletariat (the laboring or working class) People who believed Stalin because he was “Communist” and “one of us” Many stayed loyal after it was obvious Stalin was a tyrant Betrayed by Stalin who ignored or killed them
Skeptical people inside and outside of Russia Benjamin Doubted that the revolution would change anything Knew that Animalism wouldn’t work with power hungry pigs Skeptical people inside and outside of Russia Doubted that the revolution would change anything Knew that Communism wouldn’t work with power hungry leaders