Benchmark A: 1. The way one views something is known as PERSPECTIVE. Over history different PERSPECTIVES have led to conflicts among people around the world. In the U.S. there have been many different POLITICAL ACTION GROUPS that have SPECIAL INTERESTS and try to get laws passed that support their view.
2. For each area of the world identify the two groups that had a different perspective and describe the actions that resulted from their differences. India and Pakistan (1947) – As Hindus living in Pakistan and Muslims living in India migrated to their new countries there were riots and thousands of people were killed.
2. For each area of the world identify the two groups that had a different perspective and describe the actions that resulted from their differences. Israel (1948) – Jews moved into the newly created Israel and Palestinians fled, over the next three decades war erupted three times and continues to be a troubled area to this day.
2. For each area of the world identify the two groups that had a different perspective and describe the actions that resulted from their differences. South Africa (1990s) – White South Africans and Black South Africans fought over the system of apartheid that was created after South Africa declared its independence from Great Britain. In the 1990’s apartheid was abandoned with the leadership of Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela
3. Identify and explain the perspective of the following Political Action Groups: NAACP – National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, campaigned for and continues to fight for the equal rights and opportunities for African Americans.
3. Identify and explain the perspective of the following Political Action Groups: NOW – The National Organization for Women, work for the views of women and to fight against gender discrimination. The National Organization for Women (NOW) was created in It reflected a growing concern of many women that they were being treated unfairly. For example, some believed that the education of girls was not viewed as being as important as the education of boys. Describe the perspectives of women in the 1960s that contributed to the creation of NOW regarding each of the following: employment political representation Write your answer in the Answer Document. (4 points)
3. Identify and explain the perspective of the following Political Action Groups: AIM – The American Indian Movement, formed in the 1960s this group represented the views of the American Indians and did things like occupy government monuments to draw attention to the plight of American Indians.
3. Identify and explain the perspective of the following Political Action Groups: United Farm Workers – Represented the views of farm workers, most of whom were Mexican migrants without rights.
Benchmark B: 4. Throughout history there are many examples where contrasts or differences between two different cultures have led to oppression (cruel abuse of power) of the dominate culture over the weaker culture. After reading through pages 85 and 86 pick 1 of the examples given and explain what happened. Spanish Conquistadors – Enslaved the native people and forced them to work in mines or on plantations. Christian Armenians were led by Muslim rulers (in the Turkish Ottoman Empire) to the desert where they faced thirst and starvation. 1.5 million Armenians died. Jewish people were sent to extermination camps by the Nazi’s, this was known as the Holocaust.
Benchmark B: 4. Throughout history there are many examples where contrasts or differences between two different cultures have led to oppression (cruel abuse of power) of the dominate culture over the weaker culture. After reading through pages 85 and 86 pick 1 of the examples given and explain what happened. Christian Serbs tried to exterminate Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo when communism collapsed in Yugoslavia. Huto military members massacred Tutsi minority in Rwanda during the 90s. Hussein soldiers crushed an uprising of Kurdish people living in Northern Iraq.
5. Explain how Jim Crow laws in the United States led to discrimination within our own society. Jim Crow laws created separate facilities for whites and African Americans. Although they were supposed to be equal the facilities were not even close to being equal. These created discrimination because African American were singled out and treated differently by not being allowed to use the same facilities as whites.
Benchmark C: 6. CULTURAL DIFFUSION occurs when people of different cultures exchange cultural practices. This led to GLOBALIZATION which refers to the creation of a single world ECONOMY and CULTURE. Advances in COMMUNICATION and TRANSPORTATION have led to the world being more ECONOMICALLY interdependent with all countries buying each others PRODUCTS.
7. In the United States immigration has led to cultural diffusion. Pick two of the areas highlighted on pages and explain the impact that immigration had on those areas. Housing Patterns – Many immigrants would settle in areas where people from their country had already settled. Language – Many words from different languages have been added to our vocabulary. Educational systems – most of the younger immigrants learned English and our customs at our schools, however, some cultures inspired our schools with their customs like Kindergarten and Music classes which came from Germany.
7. In the United States immigration has led to cultural diffusion. Pick two of the areas highlighted on pages and explain the impact that immigration had on those areas. Political Affiliations – Most immigrants were influenced by the party bosses who helped them settle into America with jobs, homes and loans. Early immigrants were mainly democrats but as time has gone on both political parties benefit from immigrant groups. Religion – Immigrants brought many different denominations of religion including Protestant, Catholic, Jewish and Muslim. Labor Practices – Some immigrants brought their traditional skill, however, most worked at unskilled jobs for long hours at low pay.