Two Natures
Jesus was Human: mind and heart Jesus had friends Jesus had family Jesus celebrated with others and talked with others Jesus had emotions: frustration, anger sadness Jesus felt frustration, hunger, fatigue and pain Through Jesus humanness it sanctifies our life It is a sign of God’s presence in our life Struggles help us grow in trust and love Every day is an opportunity for holiness
Jesus was Human: Jewish Faithful Jew Obedient to the law Raised in a Jewish home Presented in the temple Celebrated Jewish holidays Shows knowledge of Hebrew Scriptures
Life in Palestine Greek influence Roman occupied (from modern France and Spain to Black Sea and Caspian Sea (NE) to North Africa (S) Herod the Great-was official at Jesus’ birth Had good political skills but cruel (massacre of innocents) Three sons ruled after his death Herod AntipasPhilipArchelaus GalileeNE Palestine Judea/Samaria/Idumea (Jesus hometown)Replaced by an official called a procurator because of lack of skill— Pontius Pilate
Roman Occupancy Used Roman money Paid taxes to Rome Valued violence and militarism Political and economic oppression There were no rebellions because Romans could be so cruel and tortured—message deterred opposition Religion was whatever the religion of the emperor practiced By the time of Jesus there were several religious practices as well as emperors Greek (gods and goddesses) Egyptian (Isis) Jewish—a minority
Why do we need to know Jesus’ times Helps us understand stories and connections Jesus escapes death Jesus and tax-collectors Jesus challenging Romans Jesus reaching out to women and poor
Jesus: Lord Lord-comes from OT “I am who am” YHWH- Jewish/ Adonai is readers interpretation which means Lord When translated into Greek Lord is used Kyrios- New testament title to indicate Jesus’ divinity Lord addresses the divine mystery of Jesus
Jesus: Redeemer Roman world A ransom was paid to free a slave Person who paid was called a redeemer Jesus “paid the price” Made salvation possible