Should capital punishment be permitted for the crime of murder?


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Presentation transcript:

Should capital punishment be permitted for the crime of murder?

The arguments FOR : An Eye for an Eye. Effective deterrent. Life is sacred. AGAINST : A society that respects life does not deliberately kill human beings. It is not an effective deterrent against murder. It is cruel and unusual.

This could be… YOU ! An eye for an eye. Effective deterrent. Life is sacred. FOR

Respect for Life. It is not a deterrent! It is cruel and unusual. AGAINST

FOR : An Eye for an Eye. Effective deterrent. Life is sacred. AGAINST : A society that respects life does not deliberately kill human beings. It is not an effective deterrent for capital crimes. It is cruel and unusual. So what is my opinion…….

References Amnesty International, Death penalty Information Center, American Civil Liberties Union, Death Penalty Arguments, Lori Ornellas,